Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What's On Your Table: Imperial Knight

What's On Your Table:
This was for one of my regular customers.  He has a 30k Mechanicum and a large Imperial Fist army made up of 30k and 40k models.  This Knight was meant to be used for both as allies.  That is part of why He wanted the weapons to be magnetized.  The torso is also magnetized.  I modified the pistons on the gun arm so it can move like the other arm too.

Wrath of Kings Sneak Peak

There are some new models for the Wrath of Kings that we are getting our first look at. The stat cards for them are also out, but are not written in stone yet. So here are the Pelegarth Brute adn the Brute Warden for House Nasier.

The Others: 7 Sins Kickstarter- 6 Days Left!

There are 6 days left on this kickstarter, and models and game look amazing. The Others: 7 Sins campaign by Cool Mini or Not, is already funded and already into their last week on Kickstarter.

Games Workshop Lowers the Price in the Australia

Something happened over the last few days in Australia, and while it does not effect most of us, lowering the price of a model there is a good thing. While the details will forever remain lost unless we get some official response, this appears to be at least an acknowledgment that the prices there can be very high.

The price was $220 in Australia, reduced down to $200.

Leaked White Dwarf Pics- Including Next Week's Hints

More images are leaking out now for this weekend's White Dwarf, and finally we are getting some insight to next week's hints. I was just complaining to a buddy this morning on not yet knowing this, so great timing!

What's Next for Dark Age - Dragyri and Brood?

Dark Age has really focused a lot lately on the Forsaken, and the models for them have been absolutely spectacular. So with so much focus on the Forsaken, Outcasts, and Skarrd, I was really starting to feel left behind with one of my factions.... the Brood. So I just had to ask what was next.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New GW Magazine- New Details Emerge

Earlier today we first heard a rumor about a new magazine that Games Workshop is working on. It is targeted toward new customers with overviews of the hobby and comes with a free mini. This is very interesting, and now more details are emerging. A very solid source here on Faeit 212 tells us that this is indeed coming, the approximate price of the magazine, and what the magazine will have for it's free miniature. Check out the latest!

New Games Workshop Magazine Rumors....

This rumor talks about something interesting, a magazine that focuses on bringing new customers in. Also the idea of Games Workshop doing advertising is a not necessarily new, its just been a long time. Hopefully we don't get advertising along the lines of their teaser videos, and something more substantial.

Tyranid Codex Rules and Discussion about Codex: Genecult

There is an image going around that is supposedly from a Tyranid playtest set of rules. While this is most likely not a real set of rumors, it's worth posting in the chances that it's real. Lets take a look at the images.

Tau Terrain in the Background of Leaked Images

There has been whispers of Tau Terrain of some sort coming with this release, and if you look closely at the leaked images here, you can see there is definitely some terrain the backdrop that is Tau. So check out the cover art, and take a closer look at the images.

Tau and Space Marines: This Week's Full Release List + Prices Confirmed

This week we are seeing the new Tau Stormsurge release that we have been talking about for days now. Also up are a couple Space Marine repacks and a couple new hardback releases from the Black Library. Check out the full list below.

Warpath Kickstarter Update- The Asterians

The Warpath kickstarter is breaking all sorts of stretch goals, and now the game is set to introduce the 5th faction, the Asterians. This game looks good so far with 240k pledged at this point, making this a successful kickstarter. Check out the latest faction images below, and don't forget to check out the kickstarter.

Monday, September 28, 2015

What's On Your Table: Urban Streets Tablescapes

What's On Your Table:

Been working on the Secret Weapon Miniatures Urban Streets Tablescapes. This is my first go at using an airbrush on flat surfaced terrain -- happy with the results!. You can see a the beginnings of a step-by-step tutorial on my blog with more to come:

Total War: Warhammer: Dwarfen Artillery

Dwarven Artillery....

New Solar Auxilia Models and Size Up the Tau KX 139

Forgeworld this morning has some new Solar Auxilia models up for previews. This is from an upcoming squad that is armed for close combat. Like always, the details on the models look fantastic.

Also in the Forgeworld Bulletin this morning, the Tau KX139 shows off it's immense size.

Leaked Tau Stormsurge Rules and Pricing

The KV128 Stormsurge Ballistic Suit rules and pricing are up. Not only that but it's weapons are also seen with their full layout.! Also interesting... just not as much, its also being said that Space Marine Vanguard and Sternguard are being repacked with 32mm bases. OK, not quite as interesting, now back to the big guy!

Tau Teaser Video- Our Conquest is Inevitable

Just up is the latest on Tau news. GW has just released a teaser video with just silhouettes and a date.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

What's On Your Table: Techmarines

What's On Your Table:
First time posting to this, thought I would put up some techmarines I've been working on as well as a scratch built thunderfire cannon. 

Skarbrand - Video

Again, this is a very cool model that only the release videos from Games Workshop can fully show off. While very expensive, the model looks great, and has a nice set of rules for the Age of Sigmar, that I wish carried over a little for 40k.

Check out the video

Dropfleet, Models, Game Mechanics and More.

Dropfleet info has been coming in, and we are patiently waiting for more.... well maybe not patiently as we have not choice at this moment.

Tau Riptide Box

It seems the XV104 Riptide is getting a new box?. This may have already happened, but I had not seen the new box yet.

Frostgrave: Thaw of the Lich Lord

Northstar has launched its own version of a pre-order/ crowd funding campaign for it's expansion to Frostgrave, called Thaw of the Lich Lord. For those of you (like myself) just taking their first looks into this game, its a Mordheim scale game where you take a wizard and create a warband of followers. Lets take a look at this game, and just where it's going with it's expansion.

What's On Your Table: Deathwing Knight

What's On Your Table:
I play this one with 7 Deathwing Knights in a Landraider.

And he takes ´Bestientöter von Caliban` (English: Monster Slayer Of Caliban) and ´Feindschnitter` (English: I don´t know, but should be something like mastercrafted stormbolter, Codex: DA, page 155, left side down).

Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Tau KX139 Supremacy Armour: FW Answered Questions

There have been questions about the new Tau Titan, the KX 139. Its a huge model, and already the model has far oversold what it was meant to. If your orders are still pending, don't worry, its coming. Here is a question and answer from Forgeworld regarding the the new model, and how it plays.

Kromlech- Chaos Laser Cannon Gunner

Kromlech has this new guy out. I can think of an army or two where he fits.

Dropfleet Commander- New Ships Revealed at Invasion

Invasion 2015 has come and gone, and there were some new images revealed on Dropfleet Commander. Over on Orbital Bombardment there are lots of pictures of the event, and lots of fantastic armies..... even a doomfridge conversion that is worth checking out. The main pics though, are some paper drawings for new Dropfleet Commander ships.

What's On Your Table: Bjorn the Fell Handed

What's On Your Table:
I recently completed my Bjorn the fell handed conversion and would like to showcase it on here :)

I kitbashed him from a forge world contemptor dread and the new space wolves multipart dread kit. All the runes were painted on with liquid greenstuff over many (many) layers to build up a 3d effect. I wanted him to look ancient and grizzled, as befitted a character of his age and stature.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Skarbrand Pre-Orders Have Started

Depending on where you live, Skarbrand pre-orders are already live. It's really is a very small release list this week with a single model.

Faeit 212 Community News: Batreps, New Products, and Events

There is a lot of great things going on over on the Faeit 212 Community site, and it's been awhile since I spent some time featuring them. 40k and AoS battle reports, new product information and tournament events are the latest going on over on the Community side of things.

The Genesys Project- Game Input

Its been several weeks now and we have been talking a lot about the rule set being worked on here on Faeit 212. It's time to reveal the name of the project, and talk a little more about it.

Mars-Alpha Pattern Warlord Titan Up for Pre-Orders

The latest Forgeworld Pre-Orders are up now, and it's a Warlord Titan!!!! The Mars Alpha Pattern Warlord Titan with Apoc Missile Launchers to be exact. A free Titan crew is also new today, with every fully armed Mars Pattern Reaver Titan.

Also up today are new transfer sheets for the Legio Mortis, Gryphonicus, and more, just for your new Warlord Titan.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Next Week... the Tau XV128 Stormsurge

The latest images show next week's teaser from White Dwarf, "the Rising Storm". Quite the obvious hint for the Tau Stormsurge model. It will be a nice jump into 40k with some big guns to show.

Master of Mankind- The War in the Webway Spoiler

There are several authors I admire and read quite a few of their books, and Aaron Dembski-Bowden is near the top of that list. A book he is working on atm is for the Horus Heresy called the Master of Mankind- The War in the Webway. Can't wait to read this one when finally comes out. So while looking into what the author is up to (always something interesting enough to read), I saw that he released a spoiler image for his upcoming book.

Khorne Bloodbound Preview Images

There are images out circulating showing the Khorne Bloodbound Battletome for the Age of Sigmar. There are some interesting things, like no Skarbrand in it. In the images from Lady Atia you can see the entire Content page, so that you can get a closer look as to what is in the book.

More Skarbrand Leaked Images: Dataslate, 40k

There are more leaked images now out from this weekend's White Dwarf issue featuring the Skarbrand model. This time it seems we are looking at more 40k images, with Ultramarines that find themselves a little too close, and clear images of the dataslate for 40k.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What's On Your Table: Lord Commander of the Third Legion

What's On Your Table:
Just finished up the Lord Commander of the Third Legion and thought I'd take him out for a spin. Love all the work I'm seeing on here lately!

What's Going on with Dropzone and Dropfleet Commander

There is a lot going on, but most of it has not been news. Mostly because we have covered a lot of it. However, I wanted to let people in on the line up of what I know, or was told by Hawk Simon for the near future.

First up....
The Second Wave of Famous Commanders is just around the corner. We've seen some of them, and if you missed them, here is the link to take a look.

Dropfleet will be starting it's kickstarter soon.... So start saving up!!!!! This starts towards the end of next month, so its just around the corner.

By Christmas or end of the year.....
the Dropzone Commander Campaign. An escalation series of games that has some cool medallions and nice artwork that comes along with it for the factions and battle locations.
You can preview some of what comes in this set at this link. Additions to what you see include Resistance Medallions included.

2016 Q2 
Not too far away at this point is the next book release... Reconquest Phase 2
This of course will have the rules for all the new light vehicles and light infantry coming up.

Now there are still some gaps in there, like is Hawk Wargames going to be doing some previews around Christmas time, like the last couple years? I certainly hope so.

Attacks, Critical Hits: Input

This could be our last set of rules for the game system we have been working on here at Faeit 212. The rest of game is Race/ Faction related. Everything else I think we have delved into. The rules are only 4 pages long with a 2-3 for game and missions.

More Skarbrand Leaks, Including the AoS Rules

More images are appearing now, including the rules page for the Age of Sigmar. This reveals the rules we had been discussing over the weekend, and Skarbrand's rage. In a ruleset as simple as Age of Sigmar, it's getting overly complex quickly it seems, as it's best to just keep the books (apps etc) open to his page when playing him. 

What's On Your Table: Vulkan WIP

What's On Your Table:
Thought I would send in a few more shots of my wip vulkan. I have been experimenting with my airbrush to get a non metallic metal feel on my models.

Skarbrand Leaks Hit!!

Now you can see the latest leaks from this weekend's White Dwarf revealing Skarbrand's new model and rules. The model looks cool, but of course we all need to see a lot more to see the value in it. I am sure more leaks are coming, as well the videos that go live the same day as pre-orders.

Reaction Tactics: Input

Once again this is a ruleset that is being worked on here at Faeit 212, and today I figured we would talk about Reactions. Their purpose is to bring more tactical play into the game. However, you have to be careful, as over reacting to the enemy may leave you high and dry.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Skaven, Tzeentch, and More.. November+

The Age of Sigmar is apparently taking a break for 40k to take back the stage. However, some whispers are saying that it will be short lived, as November and December turn back once again to the Age of Sigmar.

Updates to the Warhammer 40k Assault Dice App

There is an update coming for the Warhammer 40k Assault Dice app. The update includes increased device compatibility and the options to throw even more dice. So get rid of the wild dice throwing, and just use an app, you opponent will thank you.

Tau Force Org Changes

There are a couple Tau models that have seemed to of been moved from one section to another on the Games Workshop Webstore. I seem to remember something like this happening on the eve of the Astra Militarum releases, so could this be an indicator of changes coming?

Monday, September 21, 2015

What's On Your Table: Stormcast Army

What's On Your Table:

I just started painting a TMM Stormcast Army with an alternative paint scheme using NMM techniques and an airbursh, all three firsts for me. If you’d have a chance to post for WoYT I’d appreciate a chance for the community to give their help and critiques so I can improve. I’m posting lots more shots as I progress through the army at

Warpath: Mantic's Already Successful Kickstarter

Mantic has kicked off it's latest Kickstarter with a lightning rod. Already funded the first day, its surpassed its Kickstarter goals several times over. While I have not yet delved into this game, I really liked and still do the game system Deadzone. Its a fast fun game, and I am sure that Warpath will be a big success by the looks of how this kickstarter has already performed.

Warpath Stats at the time of writing this
1,313 backers
$141,882 pledged of $25,000 goal
20 days to go

Here is a little about the game from the Kickstarter.

There are two sets of rules for Warpath. Which you choose depends on your style of play – you may prefer one over the other, or link both sets together in a campaign. The choice is yours!

Warpath is the mass-combat strategy game that allows you to play massive sci-fi battles on the tabletop, quickly and affordably. Using Warpath’s innovative Orders system, you’ll command an army of infantry, elite specialists and hi-tech vehicles, in a dynamic game of strategy and tactics. Find out more on our blog.

Warpath: Firefight is the squad-level battle game where every soldier matters. With an emphasis on cinematic battles between as few as 30 soldiers a side, the game is designed to zoom in on the action, with a focus on dynamic, tactical games, whilst retaining Mantic’s game design philosophy of being easy to learn and fast paced. Ideal if you are looking for an alternative to other games on the market. Read more here.

Confirmed Releases with Prices This Week

We have confirmation along with the pricing for this week's pre-orders, showing us Skarbrand, and Grey Knights: Blade of Purity audiobook. I had figured that the cost of Skarbrand was going to be higher in US dollars than this reveals, since rumors had placed it £80, but it comes in at $130 USD.

Battle Packs- Expanding the Age of Sigmar App

For people that use the Age of Sigmar app, Games Workshop Digital is releasing Battle Packs. These battle packs are a combined set of rules from the books to get all the rules into the Age of Sigmar app. Each Battle Pack has a mix of Warscroll Battalions and Battle Plans.  There are four released now, "Age of Sigmar" "Quest for Ghal Maraz", " Battletome: Dreadhold", and "Battletome: Stormcast Eternals". There will be a new battle pack every time a new book is released.

A New Cerastus Knight for The Mechanicum

From Forgeworld today, we get a preview of a new Cerastus Knight from the forges of the Mechanicum! We will get a good look at in October during the Warhammer 40k Open days.