Saturday, December 6, 2014

This Week: Blood Angels, the Night Haunter, and Base Sizes

This week was dominated by the Blood Angel codex going up for pre-orders yesterday, and any rules or model release information that came up. Of course there were some other things that also hit the news, from the Games Workshop Advent Calendar to the Dropzone Commander Calendar as well. 

Lets take a look what happened This Week.

New This Week
Games Workshop
Codex Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard Edition $165
Codex: Blood Angels $49.50

Blood Angels Tactical Squad $43
Sanguinary Priest $30
Sanguinary Guard $33
Death Company $33

Warhammer 40,000 Datacards: Blood Angels $10
Blood Angels Dice $17
Sons of Sanguinius Blood Angels Painting Guide $33

Smaug™ $490
Space Hulk $125


Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords £57.00
The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest £78.00

Faeit 212 Community News
Top 5 Articles of the Week

Welcome to the Star Trek Attack Wing (STAW) Ship Review! In this series of articles, I'm going to try to go through as many of the ships...

40k Narrative Campaign Promo: Chaos Incursion of Ichar IV
Hi there! Matt D. here as a first time writer with some big news! Me and my buddy, Rob, are looking to promote a narrative campaign and its rule-set for Warhammer 40k. We've created a free-to-play event that, instead of drawing people in with the promise of prizes, features the stories of their cha…

SN Battle Reports (Space Marines & Astra Militarum vs Eldar)
Hi Guys it's Steven again from SN Battle Reports with an introduction to one of our latest special reports that I think you will enjoy. At SN Battle Reports we focus on the best Warhammer 40,000 Battle Reports using fully painted armies and awesome gaming boards capturing it all with great photos an…

SkaredCast - An Introduction to the Community
"Hello! And Welcome to Skaredcast." Thanks to Naftka for the opportunity to contribute to the online hobby community through his community site! I am very excited to add content to the feed and I hope that you all enjoy it. So, first things first, a little about myself, an introduction. My name is R…

40kBrawl! Video Batrep 1850 Caledonian Uprising 2015 Practice Match :Tyranids Vs Eldar
What's up 40K'ers! Simon and Olly here from 40kBrawl! with another 1850 40k battery. I bust out the Hive Fleet Nightmare once again against the horror that is Mister Coopers Serpant Spam. I'm going balls to the wall and taking full advantage of all the new releases including the new Leviathan detac…

The Latest News and Rumors
Blood Angel Leaks and Information

There were lots of leaked images, which showed off the new formations from the Deathstorm boxset, but also now from the new codex that is up for pre-orders. A lot of this came from the sample digital downloads, but also images from a new painting guide, which verified the rumors of new Blood Angel Terminators and Librarian.

With all the rumors going around, I am going to direct you to the best compilation of all the rumors found here and elsewhere. 

All of the images and information are quiet large, here are a couple of the highlights. 

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Blood Angels Dual Terminator Kit• First build is Honour Guard and regular Terminators with ornamentation similar to the Dark Angel kit.• Second build is Death Company Terminators with rather large Chainfists and what appears to be souped up storm bolters/gatling cannons. 38 quid a box.

via Rob Baer over on Spikey Bits
Fear not Blood Angels players, the fate of the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company Boxes has been uncovered!Games Workshop will be repacking (in the new black box format) and re-releasing them next week, but best perhaps the best news of all is the price will be the same!
Via an Anonymous source to the Spikey Bits Inbox ( BLOOD ANGELS DEATH COMPANY Plastic Box 6-Dec-14  $3341-08 BLOOD ANGELS SANGUINARY GUARD Plastic Box 6-Dec-14 $33
Rumors on new rules in the Codex Compiled on Ded Ard
• Librarian is the same as Codex: Space Marines. Base 65 points with the following stats: WS5 BS4 S4 T4 W2 I4 A2 L10 S3+.
• Terminators are the same as Codex: Space Marines. Base 200 points with the following stats: WS4 BS4 S4 T4 W1 I4 A2 S2+.
• Captain is base 90 points just like Codex: Space Marines (I’m noticing a trend here).
• There is something weird going on with the Blood Angels FOC. The new Sanguinary Priest is listed under HQ while Brother Corbulo remains under Elites. Death Company are now listed under Elites while Chaplain Lemartes is listed under Troops.
• Land Raiders are still Dedicated Transports (speculation based on the fluff text from page 9 of the PDF preview).
• Dante and Seth are the Blood Angels Lords of War (based on a picture of Force Requisition).
• Seth is 155 points (confirmed via a picture of Force Requisition).
• Librarian Dreadnought can be your Warlord (confirmed via Blood Angels Codex preview).
• Descent of Angels is now a Warlord Trait (confirmed via Blood Angels Codex preview).
• Sanguinary Guard: Have Fearless and Furious Charge. 165 points base. Can add up to 5 more marines for 35 points each. Equipped with Encarmine sword and can upgrade to Encarmine Axe for free. Can upgrade to Deathmasks for 1 point per model or take a Chapter Banner for 25 points. Can still take Power Fists, Plasma Pistols, and Inferno Pistols.
• Death Company: Drop to WS4. Retain all previous USRs. Upgrade to Jump Pack appears to be 5 points per model. Still listed in the Troops slot.
• Death Company Dreadnought: Drop to WS4. Loses Fleet. Still ignore Shaken and Stunned results. 6 attacks on the charge (3 base + 1 for dual close combat weapons, +2 for Rage). Point costs appear to be the same. Still listed in the Troops slot.
• Blood Talons: Strength x2, AP2, Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon*
• Magna-grapple: Move Through Cover, Reroll failed Assaults vs. vehicles*
• Deathstorm Formation: Fearless to all models in the formation. If the model was already fearless, they gain counter-attack instead. Once per game, in the assault phase, Karlaen can call a "Bloody Toll" and all models in the formation reroll failed to wound rolls.*
• Captain Karlaen: WS6. 160 points. Terminator Armour with Iron Halo, Storm Bolter, and Hammer of Baal: Melee, Concussive, Master-crafted, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy. Warlord Trait: Strategic Genius: +1 Seize the Initiative, and can re-roll any reserve roll.
• Sanguinary Guard: 165 points. Max unit size is now 10.**
• Dreadnoughts: 100 points. Elite Slot.**
• Blood Angel Primaris Power: The Quickening. Blessing that effects either the Psyker or another character within 12". The target gains Fleet, D3 Initiative and Attacks. Roll once and apply both the result to both Initiative and Attacks. Warp Charge 1.

New Bases and a Response From Games Workshop

With the new Blood Angel Tactical Squad coming with larger 32mm bases, it set off a craze about having to rebase models, and just how far reaching this new base size will be. Games Workshop finally set down and responded to a reader here on Faeit 212 with an answer. here it is.

The Response from Games Workshop
The new 32mm bases were a design choice made by the sculptors, to make the Death Company look more imposing. There is no specific base that you have to use for the Death Company, so should you wish to mount them on the smaller 20mm bases this is fine, but if you would rather have the slightly larger 32mm base, this is also fine.
I hope that this helps, but if you need anything further, please let me know.
Kind regards

Strange Rumors Abound

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
heard a strange rumor.
Games Workshop and their old Enemy Blizzard working on a Skimisher Tabletop for the new Warcraft Movie.

The End Times Are Not Coming To 40k

In an odd set of rumors in a single night, Lokken over on Heresy 30k mis-took what Graham McNeil had said in a conversation at a Black Library event and wrongly perceived that Warhammer 40k would be getting its own version of the End Times. Here is what was said, and the correction by Graham McNeil.

via Loken on Heresy 30k
End time for 40K is coming!
At the recent Black Library Weekender, some interesting things came up.  The most significant of which was vastly overlooked.  The End Times for 40K is coming.  Remember that little bit in the 6th edition Rule book that said there was a flaw in the Golden Throne?  Well, that little hint has grown into a full blown story line.
Graham McNeil said he had to got approval from the powers (probably due to the success of the End Times in Warhammer) to bring a similar story to 40K.  And it will start with the Ultramarines.
He has to write Crimson King first, then Battle for Macragge a space marine battle novel, then on to...Guilliman. That is right, the Primarch of the Ultramarines is coming back!   It will be part of the next Ultramarine story arc. He also said he is back for good, not just as a plot device to be put away when finished with.
via Graham McNeil over on his site.
To quote the late, great Brian Glover, “This is rumour control, here are the facts…”You may have seen a few rumours flying around t’interweb about the end times of 40k.40k is NOT ending (well, beyond the mechanisms of the Golden Throne failing, the constant encroachments of alien invaders and the insidious corruption of Chaos…).
Context is everything…
This all came about after a conversation I had at the BL Weekender III, where I talked about things I’d LIKE to do in the next Ultramarines trilogy (not necessarily GETTING to do, but which I’d LIKE to do). One of the things I said was that I thought it’d be fun to bring Guilliman back, “probably not in a literal way, but in some form or another, and that such an event would, naturally, have further ramifications for the Chapter…”. I also said that I’d floated a bunch of ideas past the guys at editorial and had received a cautious, “That sounds pretty cool,” response.