Thursday, December 4, 2014

Sanguinary Guard Details

Some in the community have the White Dwarf in hand, and those details are starting to come out. So we get a first look at the Sanguinary Guard and what they will be in the new Blood Angels codex. It looks like there are some cheaper options in there, as Sanguinary Guard used to be 200pts base, and now can go up to a 10 man squad. Very cool.

Please remember that this is early information and must be considered rumors until we get the White Dwarf in hand.

via ShadowWolf32387 on Faeit 212
I thought you might want to know this.  I do have the WD coming out Saturday and I can confirm to you that Sons of Sanguinius is only a painting guide in the same vein of Companies of Fenris and the ones released for Dark Eldar and Tyranids.  It will still be in paperback like the others and the Sanguinary Guard edition just gets it in hardback instead.  Sadly, it's not a supplement.

Also, after some time with a magnifying glass, the WD preview page for Sanguinary Guard shows:
165 points base
Can upgrade to 10-man for 35pts/model
All have the "Encarmine sword" as stock, but may take an "Encarmine axe" for free
Still have Fearless
Lose Red Thirst in favor of Furious Charge
Death masks are now 1 pt/model as opposed to 5 pts/model
Can still take power fists, plasma pistols, inferno pistols
Chapter banner is now 5 pts cheaper

The new tactical box does feature the heavy flamer and a heavy bolter.  No mention of the missile launcher.  And grav guns ARE in the box, meaning grav weaponry made it to the blood angels.  The hand flamers and inferno pistols will still be in the codex as well since the tactical squad has them in the kit.