Tuesday, December 9, 2014
GW Advent Calendar Future Revealed
The next few days are revealed by an anonymous source. While I dont know the veracity of this, it looks like it could be legit, and there is a decent number of dataslates in the mix. Some of the most interesting are of course the Flesh Tearers and something about Necrons as part of the Shield of Baal. Definitely worth checking out.
Please remember that this list is rumored, and we will see how it all turns out.
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
9th novel: A Son's Burden, Part of Shield of Baal
9th dataslate: Flesh Tearers, A Son's Burden. Can't tell exact nature.
10th novel: Vorax, in Horus Heresy font
10th DS: Leviathan Rising, the Collection
11th novel: Ursarkar Creed, Last Stop (unintelligible)
11th DS: Astra Militarum, Last Stop (unintelligible)
12th novel: Brethren, looks like audio
12th DS: Broodlord Painting Guide
13th novel: The Word of the Silent King, **About Necrons! Part of Shield of
Baal!** (Silent King is most likely Szarekh,
13th DS: Digital BA Datacards
14th Novel: None More Loyal, looks like Crimson Fists
14th DS: Looks like a painting guide for an "Iron Wolf", looks like a space
wolf techmarine in terminator armor? No clue.