Thursday, December 25, 2014

Faeit 212 Community News Site Wants You

The Faeit 212 Community News site has been up now for about a month, and with it there has been lots of battle reports, events, projects, and even a kickstarter or two. What the site needs though is you.

If you have an event or are running a tournament and would like a little extra publicity for it, this is the place to do it. Simply shoot me an email, and we can get started.

So far I have been happy with the way the site is going, with over 90,000 views in just over a month. This means that readers are coming over to see what is happening in the community.

My goal with this site is quite large..... I would like to see any reader able to jump on the site, and be able to find local events, leagues, tournaments, and more quickly with the searches at the top of the page. This means that even though the site has started off well, there is a lot more room for it to grow and develop. There is just so much always going on in our community that never really gets to see the light of day. Lets change that.

The greatest part of our hobby is not the companies that sell us models, its the people themselves, and the effort and dedication we all put into it.
