Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dropzone Advent Calendar Day -2 / and Caption Contest

Its day 2 of the Advent Calendar for Dropzone Commander, a Scourge Warrior is the image of the day. Definitely a very cool piece of artwork. Dont forget there is a caption contest for each image, where you can win a free model from Hawk Wargames.

here is a link to the Hawk Wargames facebook page where you can check out yesterday's winning caption

via Hawk Wargames
As a continuation of doing something a little different, here is the next new piece to share...

The same as yesterday, with each piece of artwork you are invited to enter a caption competition to describe the scene, max 100 words, with the best one from each piece winning our show only model (the escape pod). (A winner will be announced the following day for each piece). 

Presenting day two of the Advent Calendar, The Scourge Warrior.