Thursday, December 4, 2014

Advent Calendar Day 4: Kranon's Helguard and the Iyanden vs Leviathan

Its day 4 of the GW Advent Calendar and this time we get something for Chaos, more specifically for the Crimson Slaughter and their Warlord Kranon from the Dark Vengeance boxset. Also from the Black Library the Iyanden clash with Hive Fleet Leviathan. Two good releases today.

Here are the Games Workshop Advent releases today.

Kranon the Relentless, former Chapter Master of Crimson Sabres is now a powerful Chaos Warlord, and commander of the renegade Crimson Slaughter. This new Dataslate contains new background and a formation for his chosen warband of relentless killers and murders who are feared across the Imperium. This Dataslate is designed to be used alongside the Crimson Slaughter miniatures included in the Dark Vengeance boxset and the Crimson Slaughter Expansion.

As Hive Fleet Leviathan spreads across the galaxy, the eldar of Iyanden enact a desperate plan to stop a splinter of the fleet that could spell doom for the already-ravaged craftworld. Iyanna Arienal leads an armada of sinister wraithfighters and other deadly spacecraft to aid a human fleet in battling the tyranids – but her true motives may be far more sinister.

Buckle up and prepare for supersonic combat as the wraith fighters of Iyanden take on a tyranid horde. This tale follows on from Guy Haley's Valedor novel, not essential reading beforehand, but awesome if you have.

Also here is the latest schedule for the Advent Calendar. Yesterday we noted some changes to it. If you missed that, here it is again.

Day 4 

Day 1