Saturday, November 15, 2014

Faeit 212 Community News

There has always been a lot of events, batreps, and other cool things that either get sent in to me, or I have found in my reading online that I just don't get the opportunity to cover. A lot of these events could also benefit from a little publicity, and in most cases deserve a lot more attention than I have been able to give them in the current Faeit 212 format.

So I am expanding the site to accomplish more of these things, and best of all, every single event that gets published on the Community News site will feature on the front page of the Faeit 212 through the feed along the right hand side of the site. 

The idea is for people interested in sharing or wanting to get more exposure for their batreps, local tournaments, events, campaigns, and even kickstarters, a place to publish articles promoting them. 

So if you are running an event, have a batrep to share, running a kickstarter or other event that involves tabletop wargaming, this is a chance for you to share it with the audience here on Faeit 212. To do this all you will have to do is email me at or use the blogger contact form at the bottom of this page.

While you can already see the new feed on the site to your right, I plan on launching this sometime this week, depending upon the feedback. This was originally scheduled to launch about month ago, but well, all good things take time to set up. 

So shoot me an email, and lets get started.