Friday, October 10, 2014

Dropzone Commander Hiring Official Release Information

A couple days ago we were discussing new hiring that is going with Hawk Wargames, and today they made the notices official. There are two positions up, both with full job descriptions that are linked below. Definitely something to look into as Hawk Wargames grows with its Dropzone Commander game, and the upcoming game in space being designed by David Lewis and Andy Chambers.

This is a follow up article, the previous can be seen here where we first talked about the positions.

Job posted: Friday 10th October 2014
Applications received by: Wednesday 22nd October 2014
Position Type: Full Time/Part Time/Flexible, Permanent
Download full job specification >

Graphic Designer
Job posted: Friday 10th October 2014
Applications received by: Wednesday 22nd October 2014
Position Type: Part Time/Flexible, Permanent
Download full job specification >