Friday, October 31, 2014

Dream Pod 9’s War for Terra Nova Kickstarter

Heavy Gear Blitz Kickstarter Image 1200 wide

Dream Pod 9 has launched its first Kickstarter to help fund the molds to make plastic miniatures for the Heavy Gear Blitz tabletop wargame. The Kickstarter went live on October 23rd and is doing well with a number of stretch goals already unlocked. This article is to introduce players to Dream Pod 9 and the Heavy Gear universe and to ask everyone to check out the Kickstarter and help us spread the word.

Dream Pod 9 was founded back in 1995 to publish the Heavy Gear Roleplaying and Tactical Game, along with numerous other game lines. Heavy Gear Blitz became the dedicated tabletop wargame version of Heavy Gear in 2008. We now manufacture a complete line of 1/144 scale pewter and resin miniatures for the game. The scale is between n-scale and 15mm, with our infantry miniatures being 12 to 14 mm tall, so it can work with terrain from either of the more wildly available scales. The Heavy Gear, from which the game gets it name, is a 15 foot tall heavily armed Mecha with the pilot sitting in the torso. The 1/144 scale makes our Gear miniatures between 29 to 50 mm tall, with all releases in scale with one another.

We started working on a new edition of the rules two years, which we released for alpha play testing at the start of the year. The new edition of the Heavy Gear Blitz is presently in beta rules version and is available as free download on DriveThruRPG, click the link below to check it out.

The War for Terra Nova Kickstarter’s main backer reward is a Core Starter Set of high quality hard plastic miniatures. With the stretch goals unlocked so far the set now includes 34 miniatures; 4x Hunter, 4x Jaguar, 2x Grizzly, 2x Cheetah, 4x Jager, 4x Black Mamba, 2x Spitting Cobra, 2x Iguana, 2x MHT-95 Hovertank, 2x FLAIL Squad (3 minis each), and 2x F6-16 Frame from the CEF, North, and South factions of the game. New stretch goals will unlock additional miniatures and add them to the Core Starter Set to thank our backers for their support.

Heavy Gear Blitz Kickstarter Image 1200 wide

Along with the new plastic miniature we plan for a Quick Start Rulebook with rules, and scenarios to learn them as you play your first games, plus world background, history faction army information and stats for all the models included in the set. We made a Heavy Gear History timeline which you can read below.

Heavy Gear History

Hope we piqued your interest and you’ll take the time to check out the Kickstarter at the link below, thank you everyone.