Friday, October 10, 2014

Dark Eldar Shardstorm Release

There was still some confusion, or belief issues regarding a Dark Eldar bundle release that was mentioned yesterday. So while the Dark Eldar for the most part done with their release..... there is still this kit coming.

Here are a couple sources talking about the release and what it is.

via an anonymous source
I can confirm that the Shardstorm is a army box for the DE, which has 1 Succubus, 10 Wyches, 1 Raider, 1 Venom, 6 Reaver Jetbikes.
I had to put it into our webstore database yesterday. It costs £95

via Ghost9494 on L'Astropate
- Wych Cult Shardstorm box contains: 1 Succubus, 1 Venom, 1 Raider, 10 Wyches and 6 Reaver Jetbikes;