Saturday, August 2, 2014

What's On Your Table: Battle Report Sons of Horus vs Tyranids

Tonight for the first half we are looking at a battle report from Simon. I have included the two lists from the report, but the rest is just too large for this series. I have though included a link to where you can read on how the battle went.

Hey Naftka,
I was wondering if maybe you'd consider sharing this post from my blog on your " Whats on your table" articles? The post feature's Frontline Gaming and Tablewar Gaming mat and really show's off how awesome they are! Also the game was a pretty fun match up of Iron hands with a Cerastus Knight vs a Winged Tyranid list, so if you do get the chance to read it I really hope you enjoy it!
All the best from the UK!

The Lists:
Sons of Horus
Master of The Forge - Warlord
Combi Grav
Gorgans Chain

Tactical squad (Flamer)
Combi flamer
Melta bombs
Drop pod

Tactical squad (Melta)
Combi melta
Melta gun 
Melta bombs
Drop pod

Heavy Support
Legion Sicaran
Lascannon sponsons

Legion Sicaran
Heavy Bolter sponsons

Lord of War
Knight Cerastus 

Hive Tyrant - Warlord
Twin linked Devourers 
Electroshock grubs

Hive Tyrant
Twin linked Devourers 
Electroshock grubs

12 Termagants
16 Termagants

2 Venomthrope

Fast Attack
Hive Crone
Hive Crone
Hive Crone

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.