Friday, July 11, 2014

What's On Your Table: Typhus

Typhus is up next on What's On Your Table.

Hello Natfka,
Today I have a conversion for Typhus. I started with the Forgeworld Typhon model, and was not happy with the results of the paint job (I was trying to go for a more plagued look rather than his legion colors). When that didn't work, I decided to grab the greenstuff and go for a recently warped look (with the idea that typgus has become more and more "gifted" as he advanced in years. Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy seeing everyone else's. 

Best Regards,

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.