Monday, July 14, 2014

What's On Your Table: Nurgle Daemon Prince

As always we have another early morning edition of What's On Your Table.

Hi Natfka!
So I've been planning on converting a Nurgle Daemon Prince or three for my army for a while now, and just never quite got around to it. I was in my local GW yesterday, thinking about what I might want to add to my army when I had a flash of inspiration for how I wanted to convert the DP, and bought one on the spot.

A couple hours and some Greenstuff later, he was complete, and in my excitement I spent most of today painting my new best friend.

The wings are, obviously, from the Blight Drone kit, the long wings are actually two wings glued together (the long and short wings from one Drone) to make them more the size of a DP, and the short wings are actually long wings from the kit. The head is also from the Blight Drone kit, and I really like how it looks on this model, the dimensions fit well I think.

As for the belly, it's just a lump of Greenstuff I molded into shape, then cut a few circles and tears into. The intestines were pretty easy, after cutting a hole in the greenstuff I stuffed the end of a paint brush into it to make a cavity, then rolled out tubes of GStuff and placed them in a fairly haphazard fashion. I'm pretty proud of the result, it seems to fit the model and it's pose.

All in all it was a fun project, and if the Daemon release that’s rumoured doesn’t include a new Daemon Prince for Nurgle, I might be making two more in the near future.

Cheers mate!

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.