Monday, July 14, 2014

What's On Your Table: Massive Tau Army

First up tonight for What's On Your Table is Josh and his Tau

So, I've started building my 10k Tau army.   50 firewarriors 
5 devilfish
9 stealth suits
12 broadsides
12 crisis suits
2 hazard suits
8 Riptides(lol)
1 Rvarna
5 hammerheads
Boat load of drones
2 piranhas
1 sunshark bomber
1 ethereal
2 fireblades
7 crisis commanders
Farsight, R'alai, Darkstrider, Aunshi, 
And for my favorite ? 100 freaking kroot!

People are always like Josh, why do you have so many kroot!? I always say the same thing; Apoc. I placed all my infantry  in a wall of martyrs behind terrain and wrapped that in 5 squads of 20 kroot, my opponent was a space wolves player who just couldn't figure out how to get his 10,000 pts past my 800pts of kroot all hiding in terrain and just standing in the way. His army was expecting crisis suits and he just didn't have the small arms fire to handle massed infantry and couldn't withstand all of the dakka that slammed his CC units, for sheer shock factor alone 100 pts of kroot is a great force, and they hit like bricks too.. A bit of it's unbuilt so for out apoc game I borrowed stuff or lacked bits of my army... But still tons of fun. We have a 20 - 30 person apoc game every Easter here in Fort McMurray Alberta, most players bring 10K plus. It's a great time! 

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.