Sunday, July 13, 2014

What's On Your Table: Lots of Projects

Tonight for What's On Your Table Danny figures out that he has more projects going on than he thought.

These recent "What's on Your Table" posts gave me an idea this morning to get out most of my in-progress 40K to see what all needs to be done. Turns out I have more projects going than I thought! I decided to display them all out on my home built modular boards and a few terrain pieces. For the non-Imperial forces, there are 5000 points of Orks, 1500 of Red Corsairs, 2000 of Black Legion, 850 of Crimson Slaughter and 550 of Khorne Marines. The Imperial forces shown have 1500 points of Black Templars, 1500 of Brazen Claws, and 1500 points of Ravenwing.

The modular table is made from 1.5 inch pink foam on top of backerboard for support. I sanded and painted them to match the basing on my armies. I used house paint that I color matched to a few of GW's older brown colors, and sealed them with two coats of slightly watered down white glue. A few of the boards have hills in the corners that can combined into one large hill, or made into cliff sides if needed. 

Out of everything shown, only the Black Templars and 1500 points of Orks are completely finished! Hopefully over this holiday weekend I can at least manage to get the Chaos and Ravenwing armies flocked, primed, and basecoated with the airbrush. Then I can start painting them squad by squad to keep from getting burnt out.

Thanks for everything,

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.