Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What's On Your Table: 20,000pt Apoc Game

Unfortunately I missed this one that just happened on Sunday. Of course here are some pics, and a link to where you can get a look at what went down.

Hey mate, a lil something for your "whats on your table" articles.
I am hosting an Apocalypse game this weekend, 4 players each with 5000pts of models.

Sean - Astra Militarium + Black Templars
Stephen - Astra Militarium
Aaron - Chaos marines + Daemons
Dean - Chaos marines + Daemons

It is going to be epic and I will be doing a LIVE battle report on my facebook page! www.facebook.com/BlogForTheBloodGod

This Sunday from approx 11am :)

Here are some teaser pics of the table and a little game I call spot the cultist

What's on your table is an opportunity for readers to share what they are working on. Conversions, painting, batreps, even side home brew projects. If you want to Share "What's On Your Table". Please no more than 8 pics, send your project to natfka@live.com. If for any reason you do not want your name used, please say so.