Tuesday, July 15, 2014

This Weekend's Releases: Confirmation and Pricing

There are more confirmations about this weekend's releases, where were revealed on the Grot Orderly yesterday. Today we confirm these, and a start on the pricing, in Euros. Take a look.

This link is shows the reported Aspiring Champion model that is being released with the new Dark Vengeance box

Please note that these are still rumors. The source has them as 100% true, but we still do not have a leaked listing nor an official release statement from Games Workshop. Also I was trying to translate as best I could, and may have things slightly off.

via a Birdy on El Descanso Del Escriba
Dark Vengeance: 85 euros
Included in the set are the following items:
208 page mini rulebook
29 Chaos minis: 1 Chaos Lord, 1 Aspiring Champion, 6 Chosen, 1 Helbrute, 20 Chaos Cultists
20 Dark Angels: 1 Company Master, 1 Librarian, 5 Terminators, 10 Marines, 3 Bikes

Realm of Battle: Sector Imperialis 260 Euros
Imperialis Basing Kit- 26 euros

Badrukk’s Flash Gitz – 105 euros