Saturday, July 5, 2014

Faeit's Tarot: 7th Edition Starter Set, Dark Eldar, Dropzone, and More.

This holiday week there was a lot going on in the news and rumor sections of our hobby. Including new Dropzone Commander previews, Dark Eldar Rumors, Space Wolves, and More.

Faeit's Tarot takes look at the news and rumors of the week, so that we can look ahead to predict what is coming in the weeks ahead. Its the one place to check on if you either missed a few days, or were out of contact this week.

New This Week
Games Workshop
Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! $49.50
Sanctus Reach: Volume 1 $85
Sanctus Reach: Evil Sun Rising $20
Sanctus Reach: The Red Waaagh! (Interactive Edition) $39.99
Ork Mekmob $160

Imperial Fists Legion Upgrade Set- Torsos £11.00
World Eaters Legion Upgrade Set- Torsos £11.00
Razorback Lascannon and Plasma Gun Turret £13.50
Razorback Assault Cannon Turret £13.50

Dark Age
Finn Deadeye $11.99
Bonner Spyte $11.99
Chain Gangers $19.99
Oz, the Pit Champion $14.99
Brute Anchor $16.99

New Rumors This Week

7th Edition Starter Set
A new starter set is the biggest bit of news of the day, and its Space Wolves vs Orks. Of course it is, after all Orks must continue on for as long as possible. lol. Joking aside. I am very much looking forward to a 7th edition mini rulebook. Im on it like a moth to flame this morning. Can I pre-order already?

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
White Dwarf issue 24 has a Space Wolves vs Orks starter set in it. The cover has Space Wolves on it, and the exact quotations are Space Wolves vs Orks Boxed Set: Stormclaw.

July Releases: Nurgle
One of the latest rumors is that Nurgle is coming for us, with a multi-kit release later this month. With Hastings also mentioning something big from Nurgle this week, it seems logical that these kits will also come. The biggest thing about this release, is that it is only a single week. Is there time for more daemon releases to cover the other Chaos Gods?

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
In July for one week, we become in one Month a Nurgle release-Nugle Beast in Plastic-Plague Marines Box with Termi Bitz-Something big but not a Greater Demon of Nurgle

Dark Eldar
Some details about a long awaited release.... the Voidraven Bomber model. We have heard about it for over a year now, and the studio models have most likely been sitting there collecting dust. Is it time for them to be released? I think so.

via Father Gabe on Faeit 212
Looked at update on next months releases.  Dark Eldar are likely coming.  Codex, limited edition codex, supplement, dataslates. Voidraven bomber @ $81.00 and new Incubi @ 29.75 which likely means plastic incubi.  
Supply system updated, whether that means next month or not, Im not sure. It would make sense, since Orks are bleeding over into July release.  To help support that info, no changes in supply system for Bretonians. 

Release Schedules 
There has been some adjustments to the release schedule for Games Workshop by the Voice of the Chaos Gods. In fact we had heard quite some time ago that Blood Angels and Space Wolves were being worked on at the same time as Space Marines (makes sense), and with previous rumors putting the two at a toss up, its no surprise the latest has Space Wolves making their forward for release. There has also been a push back to August for Bretons.

via the Voice of the Gods
July bring us a new 40k Expansion with Orks and Space Wolves.Switch Space Wolves and Blood Angels on my release schedule to this:EARLY-MID AUGUSTBretons
LATE AUGUSTChaos Space Marines Sets and Supplement
EARLY SEPTEMBER40k New Starter Set
EARLY OCTOBERArmageddon Apocalypse Supplement
MID OCTOBERWarhammer Fantasy 9th Edition
LATE OCTOBEROrcs and Goblins
EARLY NOVEMBERFantasy Starter Set
COMPLETE DECEMBERThe Hobbit and Scenery
FEBRUARYBlood Angels