Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Armies Missing at Warhammer World: Dark Eldar, Necrons, and Space Wolves

While what is missing on these display cases is not a certain indicator of what is on the horizon, it is a part of the puzzle in figuring out what GW has in store for us. The Space Wolves are more than expected to be missing...... but Dark Eldar.......

here are the pics from a recent visitor that wanted to share these with us. Remember that armies are normally missing or light on models here because they are being photographed.

via a reader on Faeit 212
I nipped up to Warhammer World today & (as always!) popped my head into the hall of miniatures.  There were a few armies missing which caught my eye….

A couple perhaps to be expected:
Space Wolves - perhaps not surprising given recent rumours & what we’re now starting to see
Dark Eldar - no ‘note’ in the display case, but definitely a much more spartan display than usual

One that might not mean much:
Saim Hann – all the other Craftworld armies were there, but the S-H section was empty

And one that really made me stop and do a double-take:
 Necrons – the entire cabinet was almost completely empty (just a lone Tomb Sentinel lurking in the corner..)

I’ve attached pictures of the empty, Space Wolves, Dark Eldar & Necron Cabinets - apologies for the less than stellar quality – I only had my phone with me and didn’t think to check the quality of the photos until I got home.
