Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What's On Your Table: Necromunda

Necromunda was a very popular skirmish game, that I still see from time to time. I have fond memories of gaming stores packed with Necromunda terrain and games always running. What's On Your Table tonight is a bit brings back good memories. Here is some Necromunda.

In the heat of the new edition I find it's nice to have a break now and then and get into skirmish games, preferably GW ones.

I'm currently into Necromunda, looting and pillaging the underhive with my Scavvies.

I really wanted the "low-life" look on my scavvies, a really ragged and worn look, so I turned my eyes mainly towards the Chaos Cultist models.
Using bits and pieces from the corpse cart and crypt ghouls really helped me out as well. 

Some missing limbs and pale skin shows their hard life-style in the lower parts of the underhive, each minute a struggle of survival both against the enviroment AND amongst themselves.

The Scalies were inspired by the Goombas from the old Super Mario Bros live action movie, basing them on the Nob kit for a broader body.

Also, thanks for a great blog with so many frequent updates!
Best regards

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