Thursday, April 10, 2014

Orks: 5 New Plastic Kits, Codex, and Supplement

I can't get a refill on my coffee without someone asking me if I have heard anything about Orks. Information comes when it does, and I have no real control over it. Now its time to dig in and get out that inner Waaaagh, we have some information on Orks!

This looks like a very large release, and the source for these appears good. 5 new plastic kits with a new codex supplement, the Blood Axe Freebooteerz. My guess is that you had best start watching your back, Snikrot is on the loose. As for the name, I had always thought the Blood Axes and Freebooterz were different, but who knows in this climate, what GW has up its sleeve.

Please remember that these are rumors.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
This is a large release with five plastic kits and
two codices - the main codex and one supplement for blood axe freebooterz.

- a warboss in mega-armour with a "chainblade cleaver"

- a box that makes 3 behemorks, giant orks, as large as a killa-kan. They are stitched-up painboy experiments with giant chainaxes and a cannon that shoots buzz saw-blades. There is a heavily armoured variant with power drills and some sort of shoulder-mounted beam weapon with a tesla coil muzzle.

- a tankbusta combokit for the specialist ork squads

- buggy kit that also makes defflaunchas, halftrakk multiple-rocket-launchers. There is pirate nob either on foot or on the buggy. He was described as a mix of pirate and mercenary. A giant grappling hook replaces his forearm, a custom energy pistol, a bandana and two crossed belts on his breast with trophy fangs. The nob is a new HQ choice called 'ead'unter.

- The last kit is a battle fortress larger than a baneblade. It has a maritime vibe to it. It is basically a huge platform on three tracks with a round gun turret in the middle and several outer gun emplacements. The gun emplacement are not automated or armoured turrets, but open WW2 flak guns operated by orks and gretchins.

The platform has the shape of a star like renaissance-era fortresses with corrugated metal rails. There is an engine section at the rear end under the platform with exaggerated exhaust-chimneys and a crane that puts scrabs into a tank mouth. The main turret superstructure looks like an igloo. It has either a cannon with three barrels, each with a different size and length or a command bridge. On the platform there is either a landing platform including a killa kopta, a missile silo or two double-barreled armoured turrets.

The last options allegedly makes the fortress look like a battleship. There are galley-like trenches in the platform where ork passengers huddle. They are either empty or covered by canvas, so you can only see the bulges made by their heads.

The model has lots of humorous touches. The gretchins all wear spiked bismarck-like helmets. There is an ork bouncer standing at the bulkhead of the command tower.