Sunday, March 23, 2014

Free Dropzone Commander Downloads

Dropzone Commander has a lot of free downloads for the game, yes I said free. If you were not aware of these, there is a list builder that is excellent, free building downloads to print on your own and much more. I figured today we would explore the download section of the Hawk Wargames site.

I use the list builder for extensively for Dropzone Commander. Its an excellent resource, and while it needs to be updated with the latest releases, it is up to date for all the units for each faction. This includes experimental rules.

As you can see in the pic above, the list builder is very much a drag and drop builder. After a few minutes of working with it, its quite easy to get very proficient with it, including squads that require more than one dropship or squads that share the same.

There are also high res downloads for buildings. This can help if you want to print out your own on cardstock, or if you want to add to your collection of buildings quickly.

Also available there are downloads to print out roads, quick reference tables, errata, up to date experimental rules, and much more.

Take some time if you are new to the game and the Hawk Wargames site to check these out. I often forget they are there, until I am browsing around their site, and I am sure there are many people that just dont know its there.

here is a link to check out the download section. Remember that these are all free for gamers to use.