Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hidden in Plain Sight: Imperial Guard Kit

OK, I have spent the last little bit pouring over pics of any recent release I have and not found it. Supposedly its there somewhere, and I figured that the readers here might help find the rumored image of a new Imperial Guard kit "hidden in plain sight."

Sound like a Fun Challenge? Here is what I was told.

I have looked for this, but so far not found it. If its there, its probably right in front of my eyes. Please remember that this is a rumored image, and thus far I have not found it. I am still looking though. If you find it, shoot me an email and we can credit you here.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
we've already seen one of the new IG kits, but nobody seems to have noticed so far. There is a miniature "hidden in plain sight" in one of the newer publications.