Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs From Around the World

Today we have a full house of new additions to the Faeit 212 BlogExchange, and it being the middle of the week, its a good time to sit back and enjoy finding some new locations to read up on.

So what is the Blog Exchange? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are interested in. So if your blog is being added, Mondays is when I spotlight each new blog to the exchange. The purpose of the Faeit 212 BlogExchange is to generate traffic and ideas to the wider community of Warhammer related blogs around the world.

The Fraying Paintbrush 
by Peter Harrison

Grim Dark Realms
by  James Beer

Grudgingly Read
by Mark Grudgings

For The Blood
by  Matte Varnish

Narrating the Forging
by makbeer