Monday, December 2, 2013

More Formations For December Uncovered

Now that we have all seen the Tau Firebase Support Cadre Dataslate, its worth noting that the contents are exactly what one of the Holiday Bundles are this year. Following that line of thought that a dataslate release and the Holiday Bundle match up in names, it seems quite clear that these are the names and models of the upcoming future dataslate formations later this month.

This is very likely because we know that the next one is the Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing that will be released on December 5th.

A big thanks to Joshua Hodges last night that pointed this out to us in the comment section here on Faeit 212
Joshua Hodges   December 2, 2013 at 1:55 AM
Anyone else notice this is identical to the holiday bundle Games Workshop released? How much you want to bet that Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing, Eldar Ghost Warriors and possibly even the Tempestus Firebase tie into December releases

A Storm Wing Holiday bundle consists of two Storm Talons and one Storm Raven. In 3 days we will get a chance to see how they work together.

So with the Storm Wing coming next in a few days, we are looking at an Eldar Ghost Warrior formation and a Tempestus Firebase Formation(which I already have on its way to me) for future Dataslates later this month.

Here is a link to the latest releases over on Games Workshop that shows exactly what these formations will consist of and their pricing if you were to buy them today.

Just to note, that the only formation we are certain of coming is the Storm Wing, and by name only. So deciphering the other two is simply logical and is very likely to be coming soon.

Please remember that this is all considered to be rumors until there is an official announcement

Storm Wing
2 Space Marine Storm Talons
1 Space Marine Stormraven

Eldar Ghost Warriors
1 Eldar Wraithknight;
15 Eldar Wraithguard;
2 Eldar Wraithlords

Tempestus Firebase
1 Aquila Strongpoint;
2 Firestorm Redoubts;
1 Imperial Defence Emplacement;
1 Vengeance Weapons Battery.