Sunday, December 1, 2013

Faeit's Weekly Tarot: Game Changers

This week has been one of excitement between pre-orders for Escalation and Stronghold Assault, and the surprise release of 40k Dataslates. Yes there were rumors, but the releases this week just seemed to dwarf them. So lets take a look at what happened this week.

Faeit's Weekly Tarot takes a look at what happened this last week, from news to rumors just in case you missed something. Also keep an eye out, because there is often something new or breaking that occurs during the weekend, and this is where it ends up.

News of the Week

Escalation and Stronghold Assault are likely to change the shape of our game for years to come, and the Dataslate release for Be'lakor is being widely accepted as a fantastic release and a new way for GW to add to our game. Then add in Forgeworld is coming to become more mainstream, and wow, you have a fantastic release.

Games Workshop: Escaltion Pre-Orders
Games Workshop: Stronghold Assault Pre-Orders
Black Library Digital: Dataslate Be'lakor Release
Forgeworld: Limited Release for Imperial Armour 2

The Book of Tzeentch

It has been rumored that sometime Q2-3 we will start seeing books dedicated to the Chaos Gods. They are said to be a mix between CSM's and Daemons allowing choices from both. While I think these will not be a full codex and follow the mini-dex format, they will be hugely popular. This rumor this week mentioned the first of them coming as soon as February, which is earlier than expected and very exciting for Chaos players everywhere.

Chaos Codex Supplements: February Tzeentch ***
via an anonymous source from the Faeit 212 inbox.
very little plans have been made for khorne or nurgle supplements and they are unlikely to include large model waves. Tzeentch will be the first of the supplements in feb but I doesnt know of any models to be released alongside.

Forgeworld's Primarch Release Lorgar

Of all the Primarchs, this is the one that I like the most, after all Lorgar is the one who started it all in his quest for truth. After all if the Emperor says he is not a God and rebukes his own son for such worship, do God's exist? Of course in steps the Gods of Chaos, and the inception of the Horus Heresy.

Lorgar's model release is right around corner according to this good source. I am hopeful that it means we will see this by the end of next week.

Lorgar's Release Imminent ****
via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
Lorgar will be released by forgeworld for staff to buy on Wednesday.
Will be coming for general release shortly after.

Harlequin Mini-Dex

Mini-dexes have been a big topic here on Faeit 212 for the past year, and now that we are finally seeing them, the possibilities are opening up on what new mini-dexes will come in the future. Tying in with that, Stickmonkey recalls what we had seen some time ago and where this might end up.

Harlequin Models and Possible Mini-Dex ***
via Stickmonkey on Faeit 212
My info is from a while ago, so obviously it may have changed a lot, but it ties into what you mentioned about a Harlequin codex.  I had info that there was a 10-man plastic box of harlequins being designed to be released I assumed with the next DE book.  The design parameters included the standard options, but the box was also to have bits for a troupe master and solitaire.  Separate from this was plastic blister death jester.  There was also a rumor heard that one designer was working on a harlequin jetbike as a pet project following the new DE jetbike asthetic.

Does any of this hold water, no idea.  It’s been about 9 months, and I’ve heard nothing more on it, so I don’t know.  Probably needs lots of salt, but if we consider the possibility of Harlequins getting a standalone ally dex…maybe there is more to this?

Other Rumors of the Week

Nurgle Codex Supplement Cover Seen **

Inquisitors Solomon Lok and Inquisitor Rex Updates ****

The Imperial Guard "Steel Legion" and "Mordians" ***

The End of Battalions and Battle Forces ***

No Rumors or News Beyond this Point
I am rating what I personally think of the rumors (not the source). This is based off of behind the scenes knowledge, what different sources are saying, and general logic and guesswork. It goes like this

5 Stars. If its got a 5 star rating, Although still rumor, its only so because nothing has been officially announced (These are on the level of Natfka either has seen this personally, or the Rumor Information is just undeniable and confirmed )

4 Stars is a very reliable rumor, and comes from someone I generally know to be in a good place, or the rumors match up well. These are not facts!, These are still rumors, and even great sources can have some information wrong on occasion. (think hastings-like, or close to that)

3 Stars, is a decent rumor. Should be looked at with some truth in it. An average rumor (most will fall here). Rumor based off of real information, discussion, or we do not know where it falls. (Like I said, most will fall here, and this is the baseline.)

2 stars. Most likely speculation, but sound OK. Every once in a while these have something (think Natfka doesn't really think this is happening, but ya never know)

1 Star. Way out in left field, and I feel that these are probably just wild speculation or made up. (think whoa, where the hell did this come from, and generally posted up because its fun, or Natfka was bored)