Monday, September 23, 2013

A Weekend Full of Games, 40k and Dropzone

Spent the night demo'ing Dropzone Commander with some willing gamers. Fun night, and had Justin there from Cipher Studios..... who by the way just turned in the new Helldorado rulebook (coming very soon). Got some small point games in, and then talked shop for a bit. Yes, we had two tables going at once.

Also I was able to get in a game with a pure Dark Eldar list against a much more current meta, Taudar, Saturday evening. I did not win this game, but the Dark Eldar did exceptionally well considering. I will definitely get a brief battle report in on this tomorrow when I have had more sleep. Big 2500pt game where my Archon of course failed a look out sir on the first shots coming his way, followed of course by a failed shadowfield save. Two ones again.....

Fun weekend, and back to news and rumors here after I get some sleep.