Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Army Builder Licensing Changes

I am a heavy Army Builder user, although my current license has been out of date now for some time. One of the things that has stopped me from picking it up again, is having to renew it at some point in the future. Well, changes are afoot, and now that is not an issue.

The only thing for me now.... will Games Workshop do an List Builder anytime soon?

via the Armybuilder Team on Lone Wolf Development
For those of you who don't receive the newsletters from Lone Wolf, we have changed our licensing policy for Army Builder. Starting on August 1st, active Army Builder licenses will no longer require yearly extensions to access program and data file updates for Army Builder 3. As of that date, all Army Builder 3 licenses that have not yet expired will forever more remain "active" and never expire.

Check out more information here: http://wolflair.com/index.php?context=newsletter&page=july_2013#armybuilder