Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dark Angels Coming Soon?

During the 40k Design Studio Open Day we had some hints that Dark Angels were not too far away, and some misc rumors have hinted that they are not too far off. Today we have another minor rumor, hinting at something coming our way in regards to Dark Angels. Its not much considering where it came from, but you never know..........
Please remember that this is a rumor, and came to me from my inbox this morning.......

I was in our local GW today getting to know the guys. A few other customers came in and one mentioned being a Deathwing player. The manager mentioned that he should be happy that his army is about to get a lot better. The manager started to back pedal and mention that he saw the rumors of the stuff on BoLS. Maybe nothing, maybe true, but he had the look of "man I opened my mouth!" on his face.