Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Sculpt 3: Sculpting Skills

This How to Sculpt series is a collection of guest articles from Modern Synthesist's Mr_Pink. They are his attempt to demystify the idea of sculpting your own miniatures. It seems that more and more people are taking cracks at it these days as the means of production are getting so very cheap and third-party casting companies are growing like mushrooms. Still, no matter how many head-swap bits are retailed, there is going to come a time when you have an awesome idea for a miniature, and there might not be a compatible, ready-made bit. You're going to have to make it yourself, and it is his belief that the only thing standing in your way is a few helpful tips.

The following is best viewed as a continuation of How to Sculpt 2 as I wasn't exactly sure where you break that article. Now that I've gone over the putties I use and have talked a bit about how to get a bit more out of them, I'll be getting into the nitty gritty of how parts 1 (tools) and 2 (putties) come together.

6th Edition: Close Combat Weapon Ap Values

Close Combat Weapons are getting AP Values for 6th Edition. Now this is not the first time we have heard this, and not the first time I have heard some specifics on what weapons are getting what. Ever want close combat to be more visceral with more death, well this will do it.

Lets take a look at some of the specifics.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Premeasuring in 6th Edition

A couple weeks ago, we had a rumor set from Tastytaste that first broke the news..... Premeasuring is in for 6th edition. This evening we have more confirmations that this is indeed in the rulebook.

Faeit 212: Artist Showcase

This week we have another artist to showcase from Russia. Currently next weeks artist showcase is wide open, so if you would like your hard work displayed, now is your chance. If you would like to participate, send in 3-10 pictures and a brief description of either what you did with these, or with other comments or tips (up to a couple paragraphs) to Please do not forget to include how you want your name to be presented, and any links to your blogs or websites.

This hobby is about many things, but one of the few things it is not often called is art. By any terms of work, or artistic creativity, there are many Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy models found throughout the world that are pure artwork at its finest. From painting, sculpting, and to customization, this hobby produces some of the best, and this is their showcase.

New Lord Inquisitor Teaser

A new trailer for Lord Inquisitor is here. What is Lord Inquisitor? Lord Inquisitor is a fan-based cgi project with no intentions what-so-ever of making a cent off of it. It was recently given the green light by Games Workshop to continue without the fear of being shut down, and a surprise author  (Aaron Dembski-Bowden) was added to the list of script writers.

One or Two Waves for the Chaos Marines Release

This one has been on the forefront of our minds for a long time, since the tyranids release. How should GW handle model releases for codices, especially new models. We all know of the Chapterhouse debacle, so there is no need to go into the specifics, just to much rumor and innuendo to really discuss it here right now.

So will the idea of waves of releases go by the way of the dinosaur? Lets look at the rumor given to us by Larry Vela.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pics of the Week: Salamanders

I still recall when every other army was a Salamander list. Whether they were a non-painted Gray army, or actually painted green one, they were everywhere. To be honest, I miss them, so this weeks pics of the week are the 18th legion, Salamanders

Pics of the Week happen every Tuesday where I share from my Warhammer pic library. I collect these all the time from all over, and sharing them is just fun.

2nd Wave of Flyers: Breaking the Secret Release Combination

So what is that secret combination of what we will be seeing sometime later this year? Well over at the BOLS forums the following has been suggested... Dark Eldar, Eldar, and Tau. Its wrong. Lets take a look at what the rumor mongers say.

What is Going On and Say Goodbye to to 5th Edition

If you were not aware, 5th Edition rulebooks have been pulled. They are no longer there at GW stores, although independent stores could still have something there if you desperately needed something.

First of all, the 5th edition starter set is still available, and I have been told it will remain so through til August. This means that if you want on, I suggest getting it soon. The 6th edition starter set will be replacing it then.

Now what is next for 6th edition? To start off, if you did not read about the emails on Saturday, here is the link.
6th Edition is Imminent

Here is what is happening....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Zone Mortalis Complex and Blast Doors Set

New from Forgeworld is the Zone Mortalis Battlefield Complex and Blast Doors Set. Zone Mortalis is something I have not had a chance to play yet, or even get a good look at, but the terrain sets look very nice. These are all available now for orders following the link below.

The New Meta for 6th Edition: Part 2

Moving away from specific armies while discussing what is on the horizon, there are now some specific weapons that I believe we will be seeing coming back to more lists.... flamers. Just look at some of the rules we could be seeing, snap fire, setting terrain on fire, and one I have not really mentioned because of its vagueness, and that's templates hitting models not units.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Presence of Faeit: Beating Grey Knights, 6th Edition, Ad Mech

This week flyers hit the stage, and wow, the rumors were true. Not only are we seeing the flyers, but 6th edition rumors are filtering out everywhere and being discussed and tested against what we know and expect.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

The New Meta for 6th Edition

Are you like a lot of people, wondering what the new meta game will look like. New top tier armies in 6th edition are coming, and this is definitely one of them to watch out for. Time for some pure speculation based off of rumors.

40k Flyers: New Supplement with Dogfighting Rules

Of course there was more to the year old rumors than the mere release of a few flyer models. A new Supplement giving us some new rules that would cover dogfighting and some scenarios to fight with.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

6th Edition Release is Imminent! A letter from GW!

Yesterday I recieved an email and information that Games Workshop is sending out to its stores about the upcoming release of 6th edition! This is news, mostly because it is as close as we can get to a confirmation of all the rumors that 6th edition is on its way.

Check these out.....

6th Edition Rumor: Interactive Terrain

Ever thought "Why can't my guardsmen dig in, or add sandbags to the field?", or if "I was really on this field, there would be two bunkers here and here". According the rumors for 6th edition you can.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Random Game Lengths Gone in 6th?

One thing that effects every single game of 40k in 5th edition is random game lengths. After all, getting to that last objective in the last second without losing life and limb is what wins or loses the game.  Today's rumor discusses just that, are random game lengths a thing of the past?

The Face is Revealed: White Dwarf Mystery Image

Here is the latest White Dwarf image on the spine. We can now see his face. A huge thanks to Ron_Fury for putting this together for us. It shows us February through June. The image is really taking shape. OK. Who is it?, and What does this mean?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

White Dwarf Rules for the New Flyers: Pics of the Pages

I wasnt going to post these, however, they are now out and about everywhere, so there is no need to keep them off the site. So here are the rules via White Dwarf with the images of each. Enjoy!

Stormtalon, Dakkajet, Blitza-Bomba, and Burna Bomba Rules

The new flyers are all the rage, some people like them and some people don't. However we still do not know what 6th edition is going to say about flyers, and new rules for flyers will probably make all these vehicles a ton of fun to play on the tabletop.

So lets take a look again at the rules for these new flyers as they stand for the remaining of 5th edition.

See This link for rules.....

Price Increases Are Here

Well, June is almost here and many people are talking about the new flyers. The second topic of the week are June price increases. This is expected every year, and this year it seems like the increase is a little bit high, but that is the price of our game. If it truly does come down to a 4% increase like rumors say, I for one will just eat it like normal. Now if only we could all get 4% raises to accommodate we would be happy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Faeit 212: Artist Showcase

Welcome to the first of its kind here on Faeit 212, where we explore a beloved part of our hobby, and where artists within it get their name and work front and center in their own Artist Showcase.

This hobby is about many things, but one of the few things it is not often called is art. By any terms of work, or artistic creativity, there are many Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy models found throughout the world that are pure artwork at its finest. From painting, sculpting, and to customization, this hobby produces some of the best, and this is their showcase.

Flyer Pics Are Here!!!! Wow

So I go to get a game in at a friends house, and bam..... Pics arrive. So here they are, set for a June 2nd release date! I have to say, I really like the looks of these, and I cannot wait to see them on the tabletop.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

June Releases: The Full List with Prices

June's releases are here. A full list of what we are to see this coming month, including our 40k flyers; Stormtalon, Necron Scythes, and Ork Bommas. Also on the list for later in the month is a huge Warhammer Fantasy Finecast release, including Tomb Kings, Lizard Men, Goblins, and Dark Elves.

6th Edition Starter Set Rumors: Belial and More!

Today we have a new set from the Beasts of discussing the 6th edition starter set contents. Its been rumored and rumored that it will be Chaos Marines and Dark Angels for awhile now, and here is yet another source claiming the same thing....

Eldar Flyer Spotted

The rumor mill is flowing again with mention that an Eldar Flyer has been spotted. While we do not get it mentioned by name, I fully expect this will be a new flyer and not something we have seen already through Forgeworld. This is simply by precedence with the stormtalon and the direction Dark Eldar flyers are. So I would expect it to be a new flyer, or one that does not yet have a model.

Now in the upcoming wave expected to be released June 2nd, we get Ork, Space Marine, and Necrons flyers. That leaves a lot of codices available for a second wave. Tyranids, Chaos Marines, Dark Eldar, and Eldar would probably fill out the 2nd wave. (Tau would more than likely be first of 2013 alongside their new shiney codex).

Monday, May 21, 2012

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: New Additions

To start off this week we have a couple blogs to add to our reading list on the BlogExchange. I am down with a knee injury this week, so I will more than likely get some downtime to spend reading through the blogs listed on the exchange. Remember that the search function can search any of the blogs on the exchange to find just the type of information you are looking for. (I just love the pic above)

So what is the Blog Exchange? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are interested in. So if your blog is being added, Mondays is when I spotlight each new blog to the exchange. The purpose of the Faeit 212 BlogExchange is to generate traffic and ideas to the wider community of Warhammer related blogs around the world.

June Releases with Prices: Flyers!!!

Here is the quick rundown of what is being released this coming month. Stay close, as I am sure we will have pictures very soon.

June Releases -

49-15 Necron Night Scythe/Doom Scythe $45.50
50-21 Ork Bommer $45.50
48-36 Space Marine Stormtalon Gunship $45.50
89-12 Goblin Shaman $9.90
89-13 Savage Orc Big Boss $14.00

Random Psychic Powers: 6th Edition Rumors

This one is really disconcerting to many of us in the hobby. The idea that psychic powers are completely random just leaves a sour taste in the mouth of most people. Well, today there is additional rumors, that pretty much say the same thing, that psychic powers are coming our way.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Large Blast Str 10 AP1 Ballistic Skill 10: Say What?

Yes, I am able to fire a S10 AP1 Large Blast with a Ballistic Skill of 10. This is something I have been doing in my lists now for some time, and with the winding down of 5th edition, I decided to share one of my little combos that I really like to have in my lists.

Presence of Faeit: 6th Edition Rules, New Features, Working on Models

Last week I was not able to do a Presence of Faeit article, after all it was Mother's Day. This week and some from last week, was quite the thrill ride. We have had tons of information about 6th edition come our way.... maybe not tons....

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

6th Edition Psychic Power Markers/ Cards

Lets see.... Fantasy gets cards for Magic, so why not have something for 40k psychic powers. After all, if we get a new multitude of new minor psychic powers, we just might be needing those reminders. As it is, taking a Grey Knight Librarian means forgetting half of the opportunities I have to use the powers he gets. I dare say though, that cards won't help me much.

Skitarii Found In the Codex

I read and reread codices. Its just something that I do. I tend to find that there are combination units or something new always to be discovered. One such thing (since there were a few) is the skitarii are really in a codex. I know there are many of you out there that have always been dying to play a Adeptus Mechanicus army, well here is how and where you do it.

6th Edition Rumors: Stand and Shoot

Ok, so they called it Charger Actions. We over here on Faeit 212 already know of a rule like this and we have been calling it Snap Fire. So Lets take a look to see if there were any differences in what they know or what we know.

Friday, May 18, 2012

6th Edition Rumor: Close Combat Challenges

So this is looking like its definitely in the new rule set. Today we have another source declaring it is, along side some of the details on how it work.

Taking a look at these rules, I definitely am liking how they are turning out to be more cinematic. I want to see these battles and how they unfold, not just on how they look on the tabletop, but how they just might look and feel in the 40k universe. Challenges look like a ton of fun to me, so I am all for them.

Do Not Panic: 6th Edition Rules

It was time to do some thoughts on some of these 6th edition rules that have people freaking out. I want to deal with my thoughts on several of these rules, because at their heart, we do not have the full rules sitting in front of us, and some logic or caution is needed to get through them.

Now these are not new rumors, but instead a look at how the new rumors could shape up. Remember please that we do not know any of these rules in their entirety. Instead we (myself included at times) have been in a general panic because we see these rules through the eyes of 5th edition.

Colossal Squig

The colossal what? Ok, I remember seeing pics of this guy during Gamesday, or possibly it was elsewhere. Well, its here, and I am not quite sure of what to make of it. Perhaps I should be running as well.

I just love that guy running away........ I notice that he is the same guy over and over. His life must be very tough.

Chaos Rumors: Heretek?

This morning we have a little rumor coming around. It isnt much, and although its from a new player in the rumor game, I thought I would share. There are some very cool possibilities if something like this character are true.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Video: Battle Report- Night Lords Vs Grey Knights Rematch

A hard hitting battle on the tabletop between the Night Lords and Grey Knights. This was a tough one that lasted 7 full rounds with no clear "Who will Win". Watch to find Out if the Night Lords will claim Victory once and for all over the Grey Knights.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

6th Edition Wound Allocation: Cinematic

The latest 6th edition rumor is a new system for wound allocation, at least for shooting. This brings forth a more cinematic view of the table top and gets rid of some of the odd funky formations we see every day.

How to Sculpt 2: Pushing Putty by Mr. Pink

This How to Sculpt series is my attempt to demystify the idea of sculpting your own miniatures. It seems that more and more people are taking cracks at it these days as the means of production are getting so very cheap and third-party casting companies are growing like mushrooms. Still, no matter how many head-swap bits are retailed, there is going to come a time when you have an awesome idea for a miniature, and there might not be a compatible, ready-made bit. You're going to have to make it yourself, and it is my belief that they only thing standing in your way is a few helpful tips.

Like I mentioned in my previous article on tools: I don't consider myself a trained professional, just an experienced amateur. Thus, I'm going to be talking about the putties I use, but, unfortunately, I won't be able to tell you anything about super sculpey or milliput, procreate or brown stuff. But that's alright because it's my goal to convince you that all you really need for 98% of your sculpting projects are two reasonably cheap, readily available putties. This article will be a general overview with a few tips about how to have more control over your putty, but it got a little long, so I will be saving hands-on techniques for my next installment. Still, I hope you find this one helpful in getting you better acquainted with sculpting mediums.

(Mr. Pink from the blog Modern Synthesist will be doing some articles here on Faeit 212. This is his second of his tutorial on sculpting.)

how-to-sculpt pt1-tools-of-trade

Artists of the Week: The Best in Painted Miniatures

About a week or so ago, a friend of mine was over at the house for a game and were talking about the site here. He had a great suggestion, so I thought it was time to see if we could do it here or not.

While I do get a lot of artwork here for the site with our pics of the week, I do very little to promote a large part of our hobby.... Painting Miniatures. So here is what it is going to be.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pics of the Week: Death Guard

This week we are going with something more along the lines of Chaos. So today welcome the Death Guard. This one was a lot of fun to put together, even though Death Guard are not my favorite on the tabletop, they have a nasty reputation, which will only grow as we get closer to a new codex.

Pics of the Week happen every Tuesday where I share from my Warhammer pic library. I collect these all the time from all over, and sharing them is just fun.

Running with Ravens. Ravenguard List

Having just finished Deliverance Lost, it was time for me to really get down to what the Ravenguard are. The book was OK, and I enjoyed it. I rather really liked the last couple pages though, as it gave you what the Ravenguard really feel like in battle. So on that note it was time to make a list on how I would like to play Ravenguard.

New Avatar Rumor Resurrection

Following the current eldar rumors we have one that is being resurrected. Apparently some time ago.... 2 years in fact, a new Eldar Avatar model was seen and discussed. Even then it was said that a codex was a long time out, and now perhaps that time is getting much closer. This was the post over on warseer that was pulled out of the graveyard from 2 years ago, hoping that the time is getting closer for a new codex.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Faeit 212 BlogExchange

This week there are a couple new blogs to add to the exchange. At least one very new one, and a couple older. Also please note for those that want to join the exchange, you can add your introduction to Monday's spotlight, simply send it to me. I know its listed in the print here, just very few people do this since I first started the exchange some time ago.

Definetly some good blogs today to check out.

So what is the Blog Exchange? It is basically an exchange of blogs on each others blog rolls. Its that simple. The search engine beneath the blog roll is also set so that readers may do a search on all the blogs on the exchange for whatever it is that they are interested in. So if your blog is being added, Mondays is when I spotlight each new blog to the exchange. The purpose of the Faeit 212 BlogExchange is to generate traffic and ideas to the wider community of Warhammer related blogs around the world.

New Combi Weapons on Advance Order

This is one of the sets that should of been out a long time ago. Now there is no need to cut and customize combi weapons where there are some that you can just purchase. I wish there was more of these kind of sets back in 3rd edition.

Also being released are mark IV Assault Squads, and the Tigrus Pattern Bolter Set. Available now for pre-orders.

Monday Morning Eldar Rumors

This morning we have an additional set to the rumors that we had last week for the "still a ways out" Eldar codex. This will be a hard codex for me to not start, but you never know until it comes out. Right now all my money is headed toward Chaos for 6th edition.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Iron Warriors Strike Again

Even though this has been out a few days already ( I am playing catch today), its a wonderful piece of Iron Warrior artwork. I just wish it had been out when I featured them on my pics of the week, two weeks ago. Here it is, along with the link to order this new Black Library release.

via The Black Library
This is the art that’s going to adorn the cover of The Siege of Castellax, a new Space Marine Battles novel by C.L. Werner. From the wings, hazard stripes and claws, you’ve probably guessed that this is about the Iron Warriors – Warsmith Andraaz (the mean looking guy on the above) leads his warband in the defence of his fortress against a system-crushing ork Waaagh! Will the masters of siege warfare hold out against the deadly greenskin invasion? You’ll have to read the book to find out.


Allied Penalties and More

While this has been out for a couple days now, it just might be a preview of what we are going to be seeing when it comes to Allies for 6th edition. It gives us a full list of who can ally with who, and notice that there are some penalties for some alliances. (some benefits as well).

These match up with some of the rumors we have been hearing from Tastytaste on Allies for the next addition, and I for one have been excited with the possibility of running my Imperial Guard with assassins again.

Here is a link to the full document. It is a Warhammer World document for doubles games. One thing to note as well is that the missions have some new ideas thrown in there. They really are not that new, but I am hoping for a better mission system in 6th, and this could be a start of a preview for us.

Here is a link to the full Document. Allies are on page 6.
Warhammer World Doubles Pack

Huge Space Marine Release Today

 Today there is a huge list of Citadel Finecast Space Marine models being released. Some of these, like the Iron Hands upgrade kit are very cool. Perhaps I havent looked at this kit before, since I believe all these were metal and now being released, but its the first time I have looked closely at some of these models.

Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Sculpt 1: Tools of the Trade by Mr. Pink

This How to Sculpt series is my attempt to demystify the idea of sculpting your own miniatures. It seems that more and more people are taking cracks at it these days as the means of production are getting so very cheap. Whether you take it on the old fashioned way, with rubber and resin and lots of painstaking sculpting, or via the Quick N Dirty route of 3D CAD/Printing, the Internet has offered the instructions and made cheap the tools required to make your own models. This has lead to third-party miniature companies growing like mushrooms, increasing the diversity of 28mm scale models out there to a degree that was never previously imagined.

(Mr. Pink from the blog Modern Synthesist will be doing some articles here on Faeit 212. This is his first of his tutorial on sculpting. It makes for a great introduction)