Sunday, March 25, 2012

Presence of Faeit: Flyers, Chaos, Terrain

This week has been a slow one on my end. I was able to start working on hills for my terrain table, and do some testing on how my play mat will handle paint. I was also able to get a game in this week, but had to go back to my Grey Knights, as I did not have the models ready for my Dark Eldar.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Quite a few people I have been talking to are very hesitant to say the least of flyers if they are incorporated into the upcoming 6th edition. My experience with flyers is very limited, being that I used them back when we had the vehicle design rules with my dark eldar. I loved them then, as they were just something that was pretty cool to use.

The idea of having them in the standard games sounds wonderful to me. It gives even more tactical options, both in using them against an opponent and defending against them. One of the reasons I like larger games compared to small ones, is the use of more tactical options on the table top. List building is just fun, when you have more viable options.

Abusive? Cant say at this point. Its really to early to chime in on the rules for flyers. I am going to assume that when they first come out everyone and their brother will go one of two ways.... OMG or those suck. I am going to also give Games Workshop the benefit of the doubt, that they have it balanced and worked into the mechanics of the game. After all with forgeworld and Vehicle Design Rules, they have had a long time to figure out the implications of adding flyers to the game.

Chaos Legions
This is something I cannot stop thinking about. Chaos Legions had better hold its own, as their is so much hype and longing for this codex. The possibilities of Dreadclaws, non-random Chaos Dreadnoughts, and more chapter specific rules, means its time to start a new army.

The big question is..... If Chaos Legions comes out before the 6th edition release, will we wait until the new edition is released, or do we start immediately? For me, it means I will be probably be waiting. I want to know what the rules are going to be, and I am not one for jumping that quickly into it.

I will be starting a Chaos Legions army. Which one? I have an affinity towards the Night Lords, but I am not locked in. I am up for almost any of them that catch my fancy once we get the codex.

Something to think about..... Perhaps I should get my butt moving to get my Dark Eldar done, so I can focus on building a Chaos Legion next.

I started making hills yesterday for my gaming table. I'm tired of seeing my table as a flat piece of terrain with some rocks and trees on it. I used a mat from Woodland Scenics for my table top and had left over material. I took the extras and started making hills using their tutorial as a starting point.

The idea of course is to have some basic hills that smaller terrain pieces can be sat onto for flexibility, or even stacked for larger hills. I have 5 pieces done, and plan on doing some more static pieces later in the week. I included a picture, and will be adding to the terrain tutorial later this week.