Saturday, March 17, 2012

Faeit 212 Turns 2

Today is the sites 2nd birthday. Even though it is a milestone, the first 6 months or so, I was almost the only visitor to the site ( I had to drag a few friends by the hair to look at the monitor). So technically the site did not find its niche until September of 2010, when thanks to Sons of Taurus, a few people started visiting the site. I credit him and his review of the site, for me continuing to write and work on the blog.

Now the site is going relatively strong, and I still enjoy waking up a little early almost daily to do some digging for the days post. How there is enough to keep a site like this going daily is still a mystery to me, but somehow, there is always something to take a look at.

Where is the site going? Well, for one, I am considering another writer here. Perhaps starting as a guest writer for the time being, as I am a slow one when it comes to change. There is already someone in mind, and I have been in contact with that individual while I consider it.

Otherwise, I of course will be continuing what this site does best, and that's pull rumors and news from everywhere and get them up in one place. More lists, Tactics, and Rules questions (once 6th hits), are also going to be a mainstay. While I have diverged from doing these weekly, its mostly due to being stuck in transition of moving to a new house. Its been a long and horrendous process.

The site will be cresting its 3 million view mark later this month, which is an achievement all its own. While these achievements are all great and everything, I am proud of the atmosphere here with the readers and comments. For the most part the site has kept away from the drama found on several sites and forums, and kept away the elitist attitude that often comes about with regular commenter's and authors on other sites.

I remember being concerned about posting anything when I first started. It was like " What if someone comments.... crap, now what did they say?" Well a few early jitters goes away after a bit. Especially once you stop going over every sentence with a fine toothpick. Errors are human, I see them all the time on network news, and they even have full time editors. Some of the funniest moments though come from re-reading a post a week or so later that you put up, and not understanding what form of English if any, you were using. That comes from my habit of being a sentence ahead in my mind, and my body combining both of them.

Well happy birthday Faeit 212. Its been fun, and I look forward to the next year with the site.