Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Lost Imperial Guard Wave: Hyrdras and Plastic Storm Trooper/ Vets

A while back we had heard rumors that an Imperial Guard wave was on the near horizon. Since then the rumor mill has very much turned its back on this expected release. Plastic Storm Troopers/ Veterans are very much on the want to buy list for many Imperial Guard players. Of course Hydras are just something no one wants to pass up on. So what happened to them?

via Stickmonkey
From when I first heard about it to now it seems the information I was given was misunderstood or miscommunicated to me. All indications are they are done, sprue designs ready to go, but that no packaging has been seen. If what I'm being told now is correct, its a ways off. Right now, my expectation is that it will come in a combined release month, but i dont have any new information as to when.