Sunday, December 18, 2011

Presence of Faeit: 2 Million Views, Frustration, Sentinels

We are in the Christmas season with the new year right around the corner now. There is a lot going on everywhere, and getting games in has been pushed down on my list of things I can get in. With that being said I have been doing a little modelling in the Imperial Guard arena. Rumors are also a little scarce this time of the year, but a few snippets are coming in. However all the talk seems to be sitting around rumor sources, so today I will discuss that a little, with a full post sometime early in the week.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Rumor Sources (my frustration)
The one thing I have found with our rumor sources, is that they are getting smaller and smaller. There are so much fewer of them, and the forum communities are to blame. Apparently the melo drama and self interest of forum readers takes precedence over that fact that people giving rumors are often times just having fun with rumors. They hear something, or are privy to early information and enjoy spreading them with the rest of us. I get real frustrated with the sheer number of drama queens out there looking to try and pound someone in the ground for really no reason than melodrama. They are worse than crack whores. (I had deleted many more profane comparisons)

As Games Workshop seeks to control our rumor sources and reduce them to almost none, the forum queens are seeking to destroy and drag through the streets the few remaining we have. It sickens me that these people seem to have an interest in rumors, and yet are working hard get rid of the few sources we have left. Many are just not willing to give out any information anymore.

2 Million Page views
Back to the positive side of things. This site yesterday went over 2 million pageviews. It was only a few months back that the site passed 1 million. Thanks to all those that come to this site, leave comments (even if you disagree with me), and check back. The site has been a very positive experience with a very astute readership. I have been impressed with the comments people leave and I do read all of them.

I not only appreciate disagreements, I enjoy them when handled with the class we have seen on this site. Keep them coming, as it does make me sit down and re-analyze what it is that I am doing.

So thanks to the readers that come here, 2 million pageviews and growing. General stats here. One writer, 7-12k pageviews a day, hitting 17k one day a month or so ago. Its somewhere in the range 250k views a month.

Armoured Sentinels (wip)
These bad boys have been sitting on my shelf since I got them back in 3rd edition. I decided to try and wrap them up, and get them painted before the new year. I am even working them into my list, even though I do not think they are very efficient point wise. I did move the gun up higher on the sentinal (I just like the look), and put in a piece down below it with the sole purpose of drawing line of sight from. So it was not raised to gain an advantage in los. I also like the look of the hunter killer sitting opposite  the gun, as it gives a more mech appearance.

I have 4, but am only really concerned with finishing 3 for now.