Sunday, May 22, 2011

Presence of Faeit- The End of Days, Citadel Finecast

This was probably the most negative week in blogging history, or at least mine. With price increases, changes in the way re-sellers can sell GW products, and attempting to reign in the rumor mill, the week was mostly a bust. The only positive thing I could dig out was some of the Haemonculi coven models that might be on their way soon. Even my game play was crap. Some weeks I am happy are over.

Presence of Faeit is a weekly editorial by myself. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

Citadel Finecast
I have heard all sorts of things, about how durable and easy to manipulate this new resin will be. Some are claiming you simply have to heat it up to bend it, and that it bounces when it hits the floor. Even my old plastic models don't bounce. They are so brittle, they might as well be made of forgeworld resin.

Overall I am happy that Citadel Finecast is here. Big heavy models are a pain in the butt. Just try dropping an old metal talos on your foot, they are heavy. Maybe not that heavy, but snapping flying bases is almost habitual with them.

The new models themselves are what I am most excited for. I now almost expect that we will be seeing Grotesques alongside wracks here very shortly.

No matter what your opinion is on the new models, I am sure everyone will be checking in tomorrow when we get the full scoop.

My Dark Eldar
Its back to working on the flying machines of death. I am back working on my raiders and plan to get a few finished this week. Once I do, plan on seeing a few models posted, since I am down to the final details of my warriors.

As for lists, I plan on posting some of them I have been playing, and the problems with them. I really do not feel like posting up my current lists until I move on past them. One thing though for sure, is I am back using ramming raiders. I like them too much.

Inbox Policy
The inbox policy for anything sent to me, is that I will not post the senders name, unless he/she specifically OK's their online names use. This is more to protect the users name, and it insures that if someone is sending me information they are not supposed to, they know they will not be named. This goes for anything, from lists to rumors.

Price increases and Resellers
This subject is really a drain, and almost anything that has been said probably has. I do feel for those that are in locations such as Australia that are having serious purchase problems. I do have a question though for those readers, What is the reason for such high prices there?

I have not heard it discussed, but does your country have serious taxes on imports? Many countries do. Other than that, can't people in these countries just place their orders online from the GW website? I am assuming not. Is there that big of a price discrepancy? I do feel for anyone in this hobby that has out of control prices in comparison to others. I would however like to see actual price comparisons between the different countries. I will be the first to say, I do not have the relevant information to argue one way or the other.

I know there are many people here in the US that are ticked they now have to pay full price since they cannot order from companies like Wayland Games and personally I dismiss these whiners. For us here locally, the re-seller ban is perfect for store owners trying to compete. Re-sellers until now have had a huge advantage in sales here. The sad part has been, that re-sellers have been able offer discounts, but our local shops were not allowed to.

The End of Days
This will be brief, because technically the world has already ended, and passing judgement on so many people is really exhausting. : ) 

Since the Rapture is only a few months away, I can answer any questions as to whether or not you will be ascending this October.