Sunday, December 19, 2010

More 2010 Preliminary Missions - Grindin' Meat / Kill Da Fast Ones!

Something I always look forward to is what missions are played at ard boyz. I always need more missions that I get a hold of to add to my list of ard boyz missions. I find that bringing these to the table, and randomly playing them, is much better than anything in the mission book or simply rolling under standard missions. Here are the second and third missions from ard boyz this last year. I will get to the semi-final missions possibly tonight or tomorrow.

“We gotz nowhere to run ladz, and neiver do dey. Best divide, conquer and count da bodies when we done.
- Big Thunda, Ork Warboss

The player who claims the most victory points and table quarters wins.

Refer to page 300 of the 40K Rule Book for Victory Points rules.

Spearhead (Table Quarters)
The Seize The Initiative rule found on page 92 is in effect.
Chaos Daemon armies use the deployment rules for
Daemonic Assault.

The game lasts 6 turns.

Infiltrate (Page 92)
Deep Strike (Page 95)
Reserves (Page 94)

Units that are forced to flee must move toward their nearest deployment edge.

1126 to 2500 victory points more than your opponent, or your opponent has no remaining models on the board at game’s end.

Major Victory
751 to 1125 victory points more than your opponent

Minor Victory
376 to 750 victory points more than your opponent

Your total is within 375 victory points of your opponent.

+1 battle point for each table quarter you control.

Table Quarters:
To control a table quarter you must have more scoring units in the table quarter than your opponent. Equal amounts of scoring units result in a contested quarter that cannot be claimed by either player. Any unit that straddles more than one quarter must choose which quarter it is attempting to claim.

“Hmph, dem oomies tink deys fasta then us ladz. Well they  sure as Gork aint got Burftog’s Mega Orktane Go Juice and dere wagons don’t even got a red paint job... Lets krump ‘em for tryin!
- Burftog, Evil Sunz Mekboy

Destroy your opponent’s fast moving units and characters while protecting your own. Collect as many Battle Point Modifiers as possible.

This scenario is a modification of the Annihilation Scenario in the 40K Rulebook (page 91). Determine who will go first and in which deployment zone that player will deploy.

Modified Kill Points:
• 3 Kill Points are awarded for the following unit types: Jump Infantry, Bikes, Jetbikes, non-walker vehicles, and any other unit that has the ability to move more than 6” in a given phase.

• Movement gained through running, fleeing and consolidation does not count toward this criteria, and for a unit to count for extra Kill Points, it must be able to move over 6” in a game phase of its own accord . For example, a unit of Necron Warriors being pulled through a Monolith would not count for extra Kill Points (KPs). A Space Marine Tactical Squad riding in a transport count for 1 KP, and the Razorback they are traveling in would count for 3 KPs. A Librarian with Gate of Infinity is worth 3 KPs, though a Space Marine Tactical Squad benefitting from his psychic power are only worth 1 KP
• 2 KPs are awarded for each HQ unit killed.

• If an HQ unit is able to move over 6”on its own it counts for 3 KPs. Kill points are not cumulative for the sake of killing one unit.

• Exceptions. Units that arrive via the Deep Strike rule that remain stationary or cannot move over 6” in subsequent phases count for 1 KP. (Note that due to the Monolith’s ability to move units, it is worth 3 KPs even though it may not move more than 6” itself.) Even though they are jump infantry, units equipped with Jet Packs (Tau Battlesuits) count for 1 KP, unless they are an HQ unit, which counts for 2 KPs.

• All other kill points are counted as normal.

Pitched Battle - Long Table Edges (page 92)
Chaos Daemon armies use the deployment rules for
Daemonic Assault.
The Seize The Initiative rule found on page 92 is in effect.

The game lasts 6 turns.

Infiltrate (page 92)
Deep Strike (page 95)
Reserves (page 94)

Units that are forced to flee must move toward their friendly, long deployment edge.

You earn 7+ kill points more than your opponent, or your opponent has no remaining models on the board at game’s end.

Major Victory
You earn 4 to 6 kill points more than your opponent.

Minor Victory
You earn 1 to 3 kill points more than your opponent.

Both players have even kill points.

+1 battle point if you have killed 3000 total victory points in games 1, 2 and 3. For example if you killed 1000 points of the opponent’s army in all three of your games you would receive one battle point.

+1 battle point for having killed double the amount of kill points than your opponent.

+1 battle point for having a scoring unit in your enemy’s deployment zone.

+1 battle point for having more units within 6” of the center of the table than your opponent.