Sunday, December 26, 2010

Git Da Shiney's

“Look up dere lads, gifts from da gods, floatin down ta earf! Get ‘em before the uvvers do, dere precious!”
- Mixlplix, Ork Weirdboy

Here is the second Semi-finals mission from Ard Boyz this last year. I will get the last one posted up, and then add them to the Missions page of the website. I really liked this mission, it was one of the good sets that was really fun to play.
Secure the objectives while taking over your opponent’s deployment zone.

This scenario uses 4 objectives. Objectives are not placed before deployment. At the beginning of each player’s first turn, they will deepstrike two objectives onto the table, scattering them 2D6". Rolling a hit will still scatter the objective. The deepstrike is unaffected by army special rules or wargear. Objectives may not be placed within 12" of a board edge before rolling to scatter. Objectives landing on top of units are placed there, but are assumed to be on the ground. The objective that lands the closest to the center of the table counts as two objectives. If two objectives are an equal distance from the center of the table, randomly determine which one counts as two objectives. Objectives cannot be placed on impassable terrain. If an objective scatters onto impassable terrain, then reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required in order to avoid the obstacle.

You cannot Seize the Initiative in this scenario. (Not really a very good balanced rule with Vect, this mission was before the Dark Eldar Codex though)

Pitched battle

The game lasts 6 turns.

Reserve, infiltrate, outflank, deep strike, scout

Holding 5 more objectives than your opponent.

Major Victory
Holding 3 to 4 more objectives than your opponent.

Minor Victory
Holding 1 to 2 more objectives than your opponent, OR if no one controls the most objectives, you have 5 or more Kill Points than your opponent.

A tie will occur if neither player controls more objectives than their opponent and neither player has 5 or more Kill Points than their opponent.

+1 If you hold the objective that counts as two objectives.

+1 If you have more units in your opponent’s deployment zone than they have in yours.

+1 If none of your units are in your own deployment zone at game’s end.

+1 If you wiped out more enemy scoring units than your opponent.

Note: Tabling your opponent will result in a Major Victory, not a Massacre. If you table your opponent prior to the end of the game, you may spend the rest of the game attempting to attain a Massacre or to earn more Battle Point Modifiers.