Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stormraven and Furiouso Announcement Imminent

There are rumors abound that tomorrow GW will announce the release of models not yet seen by anyone (they apparently don't read blogs). It seems they will announce both the Stormraven Gunship  and the Furioso Dreadnaught. Also in the wind are a Blood Angels Battleforce. Here is the catch, it's not being released til February 2011.

Talking about a leak of information. Perhaps the GW slip has forced their hand? Maybe they are just trying to push the hype for next year sales? Who knows.

We do know that February seems about right for a release like this. Don't hold your breath, but we will see what tomorrow brings. "The past is history, and tomorrow is but a mystery, and today is a gift, it's why they call it the present" (Kung Fu Panda Quote). lol

The rumor.

The Blood Angels are one of the most popular Space Marine Chapters. They fought at the Emperor's side during the earliest days of the Imperium as one of the original Legions. Ten thousand years later, and one of the longest-running Chapters, they are still shaped by the deeds of their Primarch Sanguinius. Few Space Marine Chapters are as prolific and loyal in their defence of the Imperium as the Blood Angels, though a flaw in their gene seed makes them susceptible to the Black Rage and the Red Thirst - all-consuming curses that turn them savage and blood-thirsty in battle...

In February 2011, the Blood Angels will receive more reinforcements, including never-before-seen models - visit the website tomorrow for more information from the Studio in their Incoming! article. If you want to start massing your own Angelic Host, or are looking to bolster your troops, then here are some essential items to prepare for the new arrivals in February.