Friday, November 12, 2010

Dark Eldar Conversion on a Massive Scale

I was just browsing the internet looking for conversions that people are working on for the old raiders and I happened upon this image. I've come back to looking at this perhaps a dozen times now. I'm still in awe of how large this kitbashing was. 

So far for raider converting, I've only found a couple. Mostly some pretty bad attempts as in turning the raider upside down or other similair quirks. I may post a few of them, or I might just wait til I get something worth while to post on my own. I've come up with a more refined and dynamic POA than I had earlier today. We will see how it turns out.

It's a late friday modelling night, and just thought I would share this image. I dont know where it came from, it was sitting in a collection of images, so if someone knows, please credit.