Friday, June 18, 2010

Some Pics from Ard Boyz

First off Congrats to Travis for taking the semi's 1st place. I personally had a bad day at the table, breaking some of my own cardinal rules. More on that later. Here are the pics.

Ok, Nice table set ups over-all with only one really non-playable table. (Meaning if I had to set up a pitch battle, there wasnt even the room for me to deploy.) Oh yea, check out the size of that chicken (stormraven). Not a cool model. Here it is in all its aaaa hem...... glory.

Notice the broken table. It was playable, just not pretty. Great job hosting though. Olypic Cards and Games was a great place to play. (minus one really weird ruling). Judges were good, made good calls as I had put them to the test. Good tournament. Just wish I had played better. I broke the cardinal rule. Dont get out of the transport stupid.