Wednesday, June 2, 2010

40k Community Epic Failure. Pew Pew Pew

Read the following for the upcoming BOLSCON doubles tournament.

More importantly, here is a quote to how they are handling a tournament. Note, this is the wrong way a tournament should be done.

Quote "For both tournaments, I've already fielded some questions that make it important to remind p0layers that the point of pairs is do interesting and fun tricks, not to craft the most horrible abomination of a list that you can come up with."

Apparently fun and interesting means, fun and interesting if it doesnt kill or stop an opponents army or tactics. So much for this being a wargame. It continues..........

Quote "Yes, it is possible to make two IG armies with a total of 6 psyker battle squads. Yes, I will do something terrible to you (and maybe to your armies) if you do so."

What kind of crap is this? Touch my army and I'll knock out your teeth punk. This is what keeps the 40k community down, why there will always be newer trendy games nipping at GW's heels, and why new players get discouraged. Disagree all you want, but just reading that crap makes my vomit the bile you keep feeding me. I normally like what bols does, at least sometimes, but this is beyond me. Its saying "tone your army way way way down. Becuase if you cant read my mind and know what "I" consider to be cheesy, I will do something horrible to your army."

If this is all we are down to, Lets just get out the army men, and run around going pew pew pew. We dont need friggin dice for a tournament ran like this.

And thanks Travis for the Pew pew pew. Great very descriptive phrase that defines so many of our "Only play for fun" "fluff players"