Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ard Boyz - Preliminary

Well, its done. In the end I did OK. The first two players I faced were rather standard players youll find anywhere. I was slightly impressed with the last player I faced. Also the one I lost to.

In the end, my generalship cost me, as it often does. Mistakes about getting into the field of battle quickly, and remaining mobile cost me. (lets not forget the mission 3)

Here is what i faced in mission 3. Blood Angels list with 7 dreadnaughts, two Bhaals, Mephiston, Sang Priests, 20 assault marines, and a 15 man death company on foot. 30 total kps in total, compared to my possible 49 in this mission. He ended up beating me 30-26. Game end, I had Basilisks, 4 chimeras, 3 Hydras, and misc units left on the field. He had 2 Dreads (1 gunslinger, 1 immoblized furioso), and about 12 of his death company. It was a bloody game, the most Ive had probably ever. In the end, my tactics needed to be slightly better, as well as a poor mission for my army. Victory points, we didnt figure out becuase it didnt matter. I looked it up and looks like I had 1950 vps, and he got 1310 vps. Also note that normal kps, he would of gotten 13, I would of had 12.

The previous game, game 2. It was game on. A standard marine player with the usual stuff. Victory point score was 2209 to 493.

Game 1 was a tyranid force. The terrain was overall very heavy at the tournament. In this game, i was pinned down quickly by a massive tyranid monsterous creature heavy army. The spawning gaunts were covering the backfields, while the rest of the army was moving in for the kill. Being heavily stuck in a corner becuase of terrain was annoying. I did however pull out a minor victory, 2 gaunts short of a major. Overall I scored 2220 victory points here, while my opponent got 427.
Well, thats all there was. Some minor adjustments to my list for the semi-s, and Im ready.