Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ard Boyz - The Missions.

Whoa, did we get a shocker today. First things first.

The Internet if full of bad whiners, bad lists, and bad rules interpretations. Emphasis on Bad Rules interpretations, you forum trash hounds. More on that later. So everyone and their little girl sister is complaining about the missions, number 3 mostly. Did they F mech armies? Probably a little. Do the other two missions favor mech armies. Not really. Our first instinct on these missions is to complain and whine, and don't get me wrong, my list will have a real hard time with that last mission. What I really feel sorry for is jump pack army types, or bike lists.

For those that don't know, mission 3 is a kill point mission. 3 kps for any unit that can move over 6" in a single phase, 2kps for HQ, and 1kp for everything else. That means a mech army, say one like mine, is going to be worth a lot of kps. Now here is the kicker that no one is really discussing, and is the real reason this mission is bad. To get a massacre you only have to win by 7kps. Whoa. That means kill them two rhinos, one extra unit, and you win big.

Is this a bad mission. Yes. Do I really care, No. It will be hard mission for me personally, as I will be fielding 49kps. Does that mean its an instant loss. No. I even tried the mission against my buddies list who had less than half the kps available. I still took the game 21kps to 1kp, in 3 rounds.

Stop your whining. Things that can break armor, just have a higher target priority than normal in this mission if you field armor. Deal with it, don't change your game, and just win it. Tell GW that in order for you to lose a mission like this, they had better make your armor worth 5kps.

One last thing. This is really the only part of the mission that does bug me. Drop pods.... Do we really have to make them this good. Worth only 1 kp, they are now the best thing to put your troops into. Go Drop Pod Armies.