Friday, April 9, 2010

The Battlefield

I cant tell you how many times Ive looked at certain stores tables and said..."That table screws me over", "Dont want to play on that one". The issue comes down to poor table layout. A game should not be won or lost on the table. It cannot be set up in a way, that has so much terrain that it cannot be fielded upon. (yes ive seen this alot) The rulebook puts table terrain at 25%. yet ive often seen 50% the standard.

So your setting up a table. How? Measure out the terrain pieces, and go a little over or a little under the 25%. A table should never be at 50%. We only have a few rounds to play this game, do we really want to handicap the carnage? Unless we are really playing city fight, lets not have them in standard games for tournaments. Lets not have empty fields either (I so rarely see this).

Big do's and don'ts for fair play.
1. Do, measure out the terrain. + or - 25%
2. Don't Always put a huge block in the center of the battlefield. its divides the game into two.
3. Do, put some cover on both sides in deployment zones, and board quarters.
4. Dont. No cityfights for normal games unless your playing for fun. (tournaments should never have this table unless its really sparse)
5. Do. consider when putting out terrain (for tournament organizers) what the terrain will be counted for. Less arguements if its easy.
6. Do. Make the battlefield interesting. Have a theme if possible. "the Ice Fields", "Moonscape", "the ruins of" etc.

There are several things a tournament organizer wants to take out of the complaint section. The First is "I lost becuase the table was horrible."

Ive gathered a few pics here of various tournaments tournaments. Ard boyz or Adepticon etc. So here they are. I will post a few more that I've taken or gathered a little later. Ive started a new category called The Game Table.