Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Starting something fun.

Well, I often get tired of reading others blogs about this or that, or listening to rants that make no sense of anything. So here is my 2 cents. I have no mission statement, dont really care if anyone reads this blog. Its not about you. Its about me, and my 40k obession that has been going on for quite some time, and needs a place to vent, post, talk rules, etc. I have no patience for stupid posters here. You might be mentioned in this blog, either becuase you were a fun opponent, annoying to play against, or whatever other reason I have. (I will not use your name, so dont incriminate yourself) Please dont waste my time, and if you do check in here to read what is said, I will try not to waste yours.

Look for more to come. Articles about list building, tactics, dice, where to play, and everything else related to warhammer 40k.