Sunday, June 30, 2013

Escape- A Boardgame in Eden

Escape  is a boardgame in the EDEN universe by Taban Miniatures, a small French Studio. Its often in these types of places, you find great ideas and the start of something grand. So go on over and check out this post apocalyptic survival board game.

Presence of Faeit: Codex Supplements, Dark Eldar/ Eldar Allies

This week seemed very busy on the site with lots of new rumors, Apocalypse information, and more. However on my own front, it was business as usual, getting down to how to integrate my Eldar into a Dark Eldar force. Solutions have found.

Faeit's Rumor Tarot: Space Marines and Codex Supplements

Deep in the mind of Faeit's divinations, the storm raged on. The wispy tendrils of time turning into a maelstrom, threatening to tear his psyche apart. The possible futures launched deafening thunder claps and blinding torrents of fire, as massive chaos war machines unleashed their death upon the hapless worlds of the Imperium. This coming was now inevitable, and any means of hope or victory must be found, no matter how small and no matter at what cost.

Each week, Faeit's Rumor Tarot will take a look at what rumors came up among the myriad of games that were covered here on Faeit 212. On occasion I will be breaking any weekend developments that were discovered or revealed, so keep a watch out, for on the Faeit's Tarot, you never know what secrets there may be.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

So What's Next? Farsight and Space Marines

Warhammer 40k has been a on a furious release assault. I think it has done Games Workshop a lot of good, and the hobby/game as a whole. It seems we are much more engaged into what is going on more than ever before. Yet as this large summer Apocalypse supplement has just gone up for pre-orders, we all know something else is right around the corner.

Pricing on Bundles Costing More than the Separate Models

With this weekends Apocalypse release, there are a number of bundles that are to help save you the time needed to purchase them individually. There are people saying that there are some bundles, that instead of saving you money, actually cost you more when you buy the bundle. I do not know for sure which ones they are, so perhaps if you find one you can list them below in the comment section to help the community out from paying extra. (The windrider host is one of them)

The Missing Forgeworld's Friday Release

Apparently I was left out this week on a newsletter from Forgeworld, or it just did not happen. This week there were some new releases from Forgeworld, and just incase you missed them like me, I thought I would share.

Video Reveal: Apocalypse Collectors Edition

First off, this video is great. Why suddenly do you think the videos have gotten better? Its almost like they Games Workshop just hired someone who knows how to get around a video editor this week. I love the introduction to this one. Great Job again GW, and thank you.

Apocalypse Formations Are Here

This is very cool, now you can get some pre-release information on exactly what formations are available for each army. Yes, you can see many of them. How? Check this out.

.Apocalypse is Here

Its all over everyone. The Apocalypse Warhammer 40k supplement is here, and is up for pre-orders as we speak. Anyone see the size of that thing? Wow.

If you are not wanting to miss this, and you are trying to get a limited edition set, its going to be tough. Get your orders in.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Translating a Binary Message in Dark Age

Dark Age has many factions and sub-factions to choose from. One of the most intriguing though is the CORE. What are they, and message has been discovered in Binary code. Its all below, as we reveal new models.

Infinity: New Models

The more I dig into infinity the more I like the models, and this batch of featured releases for the game, are no exception. These were put yesterday by Ángel Giráldez, an Official Painter for Corvus Belli at his site here

Apocalypse Teaser: Survival is Not a Birthright

Games Workshop today has given us another trailer, and I think they have stepped up their game. Not only that, but they have inspired me to see what I can do for my own videos.

We have until July 13th before this book is released, so I imagine we are going to see quite a few more videos and pictures of the new releases.

Check out the full teaser here on Youtube.

Two More Apocalypse Formations: CSM and Orks

I have two more formations that I have been told about, so I thought I would share. Chaos Space Marines are getting the Lost and Damned, while Orks will be seeing something called the Dread Mob.

These are but a drop in the bucket, as the Apocalypse book is 296 pages long, with over 100 formations in it.

New Xenos Fortifications, Aegis Defense Lines

There are now a couple 3rd party companies producing xenos aegis defense lines with the gun. The noisiest of course is Chapterhouse Studios with the latest Kickstarter to produce xenos defense lines.

Having Fun with the Iyanden Supplement

Fun stuff with the Iyanden Supplement. I am mostly through the background now, and I must say, that I am really impressed. The background is very well written and designed. I wont spoil it for anyone except by saying that the book digs deeply into the Iyanden both before, during, and after the Hivefleet Kracken assault on the craftworld.

Two Apocalypse Formations: Grey Knights and Eldar

I have been told of a couple formations, so I thought I would hit a couple of them. Here are two, one for Grey Knights called A Grey Knight Extermination Force, and one for Eldar, Wraithknight Dreamwalker squad.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Privateer Press Announces Kickstarter Campaign to Fund WARMACHINE Video Game

Warmachine video game? Definitely a good idea, and I cannot wait to get more information on it.

Several years ago, Privateer Press teamed up with video game developer WhiteMoon Dreams to create a WARMACHINE video game. After a great deal of effort and considerable expense to themselves, WhiteMoon Dreams produced a playable demo of an action-adventure game that we showed off at Lock & Load and E3 a couple years ago.

Apocalypse Templates, Cards and More

There are several items that are just splash releases, and I thought I would quickly go over what those are. Now the templates are a permanent stocked item, so no fear of losing these, and the largest of the templates......15". Wow. Thats a big boom.

The New Fortifications: Rules for Apoc and 40k

All three of these new fortifications are designed to fit together with all the Wall of Martyrs Sets. (This sounds cool). Not only that, but each box set is will have its own rules for use in both Apocalypse games and standard Warhammer 40k games.

Why I love the Eldar Codex

Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to talk about why the Eldar codex is such a fantastic book.

The New Apocalypse

Ok, this is an expensive book, so lets take a look at what it is and what is inside of it. Its a big book! Literally over twice the size of a hardback codex.

6th edition Hardback Codex (all of them) 104 pages
Iyanden Codex Supplement (assuming all will be) 72 pages
6th Edition 40k Rulebook 432 pages
and the new Apocalypse Hardcover full color book sits at 296 pages

Necron Tesseract Vault/ Necron Obelisk

This thing was told to me as having the biggest footprint of any citadel model. It is a dual kit, making either the Necron Tesseract Vault or the Necron Obelisk. I believe the Tesseract Vault is the one that we have all been seeing, while the Obelisk looks like a closed up version of the Tesseract Vault.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Farsight, A Tau Empire Codex Supplement

Apparently the next codex supplement is for Tau, according to the latest bits of information floating around. It was found in the White Dwarf, and is apparently coming out later this month for the digital version. I am going to imagine that the hard cover copy will be a few weeks behind it.

Khorne Lord of Skulls Is Here!

Here is the first batch of Apocalypse information showing off the Khorne Lord of Skulls. No pics here, just information. Apocalypse is going to be huge, and I cannot wait to dig into it.

We are going to start off with the Khorne Lord of Skulls tonight, and then move on the next big model release, the Tesseract Vault.

Parody Apocalypse Video

This is a quick light hearted parody of a video GW made for a teaser last Friday. This literally took me about 15 minutes to throw together, and my son who is 6 helped picked out the imagery and sounds. I think most the time spent was explaining how we do this.

My son liked this, and thinks the video is spooky.

I am glad they put together a second video on Monday, but really the Friday one was I thought was worst I had seen them release and put out with no  real effort.

Apocalypse is going to be a big release and a huge hit. I am really liking what I am seeing, and I have a ton of information to filter out. So get ready everyone....... this is going to be fun.

Finally Apocalypse Information is Filtering In

Someone now has their July White Dwarf, and is letting us all in on exactly what he is seeing in it. So if you are interested in what the latest White Dwarf is revealing to us about the Apoclypse release, this is for you.

Space Marine Codex Rumors: Rhino Variants, Dreadnought Bonus's

The very latest on the Space Marine codex shows us various Space Marine Rhino variants, including a Command Rhino and more. Wow, tactical options for the marines are going to be huge with this release, as the one codex with the most options is about to get bigger.

Dark Age Leak: A New Outcast Subfaction

This morning I got a leaked image and some news for Dark Age. A new sub-faction for Outcasts is coming. This is exciting, as those of you that play this game, the Outcasts have some of my favorite models for the game (Mongo just rocks). I have always wanted the Outcasts expanded upon, and now it looks like its coming.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teaser Image

Up for a late night sneak peak of the future? Check this out.

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs From Around the World

The rumor mill has been in overdrive yesterday and today, but lets not forget the Faeit 212 BlogExchange. There is a good number of blogs coming in this week, so you have plenty to catch up on and discover some new destinations online.

Just Wow, You've Got to See the Latest Leak!

The latest leaks are out from the July White Dwarf, and check out what is in the center of the Tesseract Vault!!!! Some sort of Transcendent C'tan? Of course not sure I like the green, but its a great image and idea for the godlike powers I am sure this thing will have. Necron players rejoice. I think this alone will sell a lot of this model. What a great surprise. I don't even play necrons and I want one.

These pics will not be up long, so check them out where they lay.

Tyranid Codex Supplement Being Worked On

Tyranids have been rumored to be released after Space Marines probably around the first of 2014 or if we are lucky the end of this year. This is one of the codices I am looking forward to the most, as it will alter and change a lot that is going on in regards to allies for the army. This rumor gets into what may be going on.

Xenos Terrain vs Imperial: Rumor and Discussion

People have been waiting for more terrain and fortifications to fill in their quest for fun and interesting tabletops. Not to mention that we all want to rules for some of these to be in our standard games. One of the big questions has been, when are we going to see xenos terrain, and how come everything so far has been for imperial worlds? Some Answers below.

The First Codex Goes Hits Other Digital Platforms

Once the ball gets rolling, it gains momentum. Now we have our first digital codex hitting Andriod and Kindle.... not to mention any smartphones! This is all great news, as cross platform digital products are what we as a community have been waiting for some time.

In the words of the infamous Mr. Burns, "Excellent"

Much Better Apocalypse Teaser, Thank You Games Workshop

Games Workshop last week on Friday released a teaser video for Apocalypse, and by far it was the most incomprehensible teaser to date. Earlier today though, Games Workshop stepped up, and this video is much better.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Even More Leaked Apocalypse Pics

New pics are being leaked all over now, and both the Shadowsword's new box and the Tesseract Vault boxset (Necron) are revealed. The price for the Tesseract Vault (supposed name) is sitting at 125 €.

July Release List is Here!

Here is what is being released for July. Its an Apocalypse release month, and while we still do not know what is in the book, now we can see what is scheduled for a release. New dice, templates, a collectors edition etc.

While I was hoping for more of a model release, its still exciting to see what we are looking at. The Tesseract Vault and Khorne Lord of Skulls we have seen through leaks, and of course images are out of the new box for the shadowsword. Now we just get the chance to fill in the rest of the blanks.


Space Marine Rumors: Combat Tactics, Ultramarines

Space Marines are rumored, very reliably, to be the next upcoming 40k codex release. There is a lot of excitement about that, and with codex supplements that may be coming alongside or right after the codex release.

What Armies are Getting Codex Supplements: Answers are Here

Every Chapter will be getting codex supplements, and there is work being done on them. Special notes..... Chaos Space Marines.

Apocalypse: Company Masters Leaks

The leaks are out, and are now very much posted everywhere. Several models are shown, The Master of Marches, Master of Rites, Lord Executioner, and Master of Relics. These pages all come from the latest White Dwarf leaks.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Iyanden Codex Supplement Review and Tactics

A look into the Iyanden codex supplement and some of the army builds you might be seeing or wanting to use.

Will Tyranids Ever Get To Ally?

There is a sore spot hanging around 6th edition 40k. An out of place mark where an army just doesn't quite fit into the fold of 6th edition. That is the Tyranids codex in regard to Allies. Right now and since the onset of 6th edition it has felt like they have been left behind back in 5th edition.

Presence of Faeit: Site News, Iyanden, Rumors and Dropzone

While this last week was rather slow in regards to rumors and news, there was a lot going on, and there is a lot sitting on my desk, including getting to a good amount of news/rumors and of course trying to get the chance to read through the new Iyanden supplement.

Faeit's Rumor Tarot: Breaking News: Apocalypse and Xenos Terrain Incoming

The Inquisitor's psyche had been severely wounded, the psychic blood intoxicating the feral beasts that now hunted his ethereal form. In his current condition, Faeit should not have been divining the weaves of the ether, as his manipulations of those strands called out into the void.... and those calls were being answered.

Each week, Faeit's Rumor Tarot will take a look at what rumors came up among the myriad of games that were covered here on Faeit 212. On occasion I will be breaking any weekend developments that were discovered or revealed, so keep a watch out, for on the Faeit's Tarot, you never know what secrets there may be.

Apocalypse News

Apocalypse pre-orders are now less than a week away, and any news on that front has been hard coming. Some recent small bits have been slowing forming though, and here is the latest bits on its release.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lord Inquisitor Promotional Video

This is something I wanted to make sure no one missed. Lord Inquisitor is a Games Workshop sanctioned CGI fan based project. The original trailer, (besides the intro voice) was amazing, and I want to fully support this project as it moves forward for the next couple years.

War is Coming: Apocalypse Teaser Video

On Games Workshop Daily this morning, a teaser video was released..... You can see it here....

Its really the worst teasers they have done, but it does still shows that us that we have another release coming available for pre-orders in 7 days. Apocalypse is getting close now.

As to what the video says? I wont even comment. The date is what is important. Next time please give us something a little more intriguing please.

A First Look at the Iyanden Codex Supplement

For those of you wondering what the Iyanden hard back codex supplement looks like, here is a first look at it.

Games Workshop Retailer Trade Terms Change... Again

Now most of this is very standard for the United States, or at least I had thought most of this was already in place here. This video was done by the Wargame Store in the UK, and explains some of the changes coming soon to UK retailers.

The changes coming are mostly already in place here, and the changes listed are primarily to online retailers and bitz sellers. Take a look, and enjoy.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Infinity: 9th Wulver Grenadiers

It is time to take a look at the latest for Infinity. I really like these models for the 9th Wulver Grenadiers regiment. This video from youtube really shows them off nicely. For more information about them, and Infinity please follow the link.

Legion Glaive is Now Up for Pre-Order

Forgeworld today revealed its latest release, the Legion Glaive. It is a special super-heavy tank designed to incinerate xenos beasts and light armour in one passing. The Volkite Carronade is a huge weapon, that literally can destroy a line of vehicles and infantry with its ordinance, heavy beam, haywire S8 Ap2 profile.

Check this huge vehicle out on Forgeworld's website by following the link.

Games Readers are Playing

As most of you know, Faeit 212 is slowly picking up on other games sytems news and rumors. Recently we have heard from games like Dropzone Commander, Dark Age, Malifaux, Warmachine and Hordes.

As I get situated into picking up on other games sytems, I wanted to get an actual wish list of readers here. On the list right now, and coming soon, are Infinity, and Helldorado. Helldorado for instance we have some great inside contacts for up at Cypher Studios, and with the upcoming release of Robotech from Ninja Division (which includes Cypher Studios) we should be seeing some first hand information on the games there.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Games Workshop Setting Up Gaming Clubs

While they may not be official, it looks like some sort of gaming support may be coming back to the community from Games Workshop, inlcuding the setting up of gaming clubs outside of Games Workshop stores. Is it possible that we were loud enough that we want them involved?

Urgent News: Smaller Games Day UK, Ticket Prices and More

Earlier in the year we were hearing disturbing reports of all the Games Days becoming smaller events, and this years UK Games Day will be no different. Announced yesterday via the Games Workshop Maidstone Facebook page, the event will be on September 29th and tickets go on sale the 29th of this month.

Who is Writing the Ork Codex and When

Orks have been in the release order now bouncing along the fringes of our timelines now for several months. There was the chance that they were going to be swapped out with Tyranids either at the end of this year, or the first codex of next year. This rumor gets right to it, and reveals the author of the Ork Codex.

Things That Go Bump In the Night: Mysteries of Valhalla

Followers here on Faeit 212 know that I attended the last Valhalla. I wanted to take a quick look at the Bestiary there, because there were some strange happenings in the late hours of the last few days of the event.

Late nights, with gamers up at all hours, and creatures of the prowl.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Iyanden One-Click Ghost Warrior Collection 24 hours Only

New 24 hour only one-click Iyanden bundles are now available from Games Workshop, so by the time you are reading this of course, time is ticking.

Privateer Press New Releases: Warmachine, Hordes

Privateer Press and Hordes have several new releases today from Privateer Press. For Warmachine its, Iron Fang Kovnik, a Stormblade Captain, and Cylena Raefyll and Nyss Hunters. For its Hordes Tharn Ravagers.