Sunday, March 31, 2013

Presence of Faeit: The End Game

I spent most of my spare time this week painting Dark Eldar, and digging though a myriad of emails and bits of information. Some of the painting was a little tedious, and by no means am I on top of my painting schedule.

Presence of Faeit is my weekly editorial. I generally report during the week what is going on, and today is my day to comment on what exactly it is that I am thinking of.

More on Games Workshops Release Schedule

Late last year we were hearing that Games Workshop was going to be releasing things quicker, and we were hard pressed to believe it. Now that the speed at which things are getting released has increased, many people are loving the schedule we are on. 

Release Schedules: Eldar, Apocalypse, and Space Marines

With Tau only a single week away from launch, High Elf leaks very much declaring May as their own, we are looking hard at what is next in line. While Eldar are generally looked on as next in line, I have received two sets of rumor schedules that are only slight off from each other. Here is what is being said.......

Thunderhawk Found: Is this Our Gunship?

Its been a big issue on whether or not the Thunderhawk gunship seen in the recent White Dwarf photo is a new plastic one, or simply a Forgeworld model with slight differences. Here is an image of what might actually be our mysterious Thunderhawk gunship back in 2010. (images below)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Soulforge Trailer

The Corax Soulforge Trailer was released yesterday for us Black Library fans, and those of you that play Ravenguard. This is a limited edition novella available only for 7 days from the Black Library's website for $50.00. If you are interested its one of those things you will want to be on top of right away on April 5th, for its sure to sell out quickly. Here is a link to the site for those interested.

Imperial Armour 12 Images: The Fall of Orpheus

IA12 images are out now in the April White Dwarf that is hitting the stores this morning. On the cover.... Necrons are shown and the other images we have reveal a Necron Pylon and its gun.

Tau Background Information

Now that the White Dwarf has been released, many of us in our hobby have been digging through the new edition of the magazine for anything Tau related. Today from the Faeit 212 inbox, Por'ui Tier has been gracious to send in his finding regarding any background information he could discover.

High Elf Pics Leaked!!!!!

It looks like someone messed up and that High Elves are next! These were taken from Games Workshop Facebook Pages everywhere. I think they have already been removed or are in the process thereof. Here they are, and wow, these look wonderful.

About 5 or 6 readers here were gracious enough to send in these photo's, so a big thanks to their help in keeping us (the community) up to date.

Eldar Missing and Now Not Available for Ordering

There have been rumors that many Eldar units are not available for ordering now. While this seems early to not be able to order box sets of Eldar, here is the latest developments on Eldar.

New Games Workshop Trends: Drop In Gaming

There is a trend in Games Workshop store of disallowing drop in gaming to occur there. They are requiring that you book your table in advance, to keep the tables free, as the stores are looking to become much more of a recruitment center for new customers. This means keeping the tables open to allow learning games.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Blood Bowl Returns

There has been some information running around about the next mystery box release. Previous years has been Dreadfleet and Space Hulk, could this year be Blood Bowl? A lot of hints point to it.

Tau are Now Up for Pre-Orders!!!! For the Greater Good

Here they are..... and of course the limited edition cover is now revealed! Tau Armies across the world are rejoicing and preparing to hit the table tops everywhere.

This is Our Hobby: Homemade Rules Response

I read the 'Homemade Rules' article this morning, and thought I might add a distillation of the thinking I've had on the matter.

I have playing this game since I was a teenager, and as an obsessive 'tinkerer' not only do I convert - well, these days - every model in my army, but I also like to tweak and fiddle with the rules for personal amusement. I've spent a decade or so pondering the dilemmas Michael raised in his earlier post, and thought I would share the principles I've come up with for effectively making your own special characters.

Tau Information Rolls In.

With April's White Dwarf only hours away now (tomorrow release), and many people receiving an early copy, the information has been rolling in quick. Here is what I was able to dig up this morning.

Parting Shot..... the Plastic Thunderhawk

The mythical beast of 40k, the plastic Thunderhawk has a new possible sighting, the last page of the latest White Dwarf. This definitely is a Thunderhawk, or something similar, but the question is..... is it the magical creature we have been searching for?

The roar of engines, the recoil of cannons, that is where the true joy of battle lies

High Elves: Are they Next? (and a small Eldar bit)

So now that we know Tau are officially next, we can look back to the release orders we have seen for some time now, and wonder... Are High Elves next? Also there is a little Eldar bit towards the end.......

Space Hulk Video

A new video game for Space Hulk is on its way, and if you have not seen the new video for it from the Games Developers Conference in San Francisco, here it is.

I have not really sat down and looked at this, and I have only ever played the old board game (the old school one), once or twice back in the day. Definitely interested though in what people are thinking on this one.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Big Tau Pic Collection

The next White Dwarf is only a couple days out now, and wow, are the images flooding in. Remember to pick it up to get all the images in magazine. Of course these are almost everywhere now, so take a look.

Mechanicum Thallax Cohort, Legion Recon and More.

Today there was a release that caught my eye from Forgeworld. Well, normally Forgeworld releases catch my eye, but this one in particular is of interest to me, because of the Mechanicum Thallax Cohort that is now up for pre-order. 
Notice that it says "exciting new development within our Horus Heresy range, being the very first Mechanicum unit to be designed," which infers that there will be more models coming...

Interesting Tau Pic: Model Size Comparison

This is a really cool pic, that looks like its out of the codex, or it may be a White Dwarf image. It was sent into me, and I thought it worthwhile to get posted up. The Riptide looks huge.

Rules Compilation From White Dwarf

The latest White Dwarf is now in hand of some people, and wow, the information is flowing. Here it is in English, the latest information on Games Workshop's latest release... Tau

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

April Releases. Everything's Here

Here it is, all the April releases, both finecast and plastic, and just about everything else in between. Enjoy....

Tau Pics and Pricing List.

Prices are out, the codex cover is out, and its going to be Tau everywhere for the next week or so. Take a look at some new images in French of course, and the pricing in US dollars courtesy of Bols.

Words on Winning with Tyranids: An Addendum

Hey Everyone, Reecius here again from Frontline Gaming to touch on Nids again.

Tau Cover Is Here: Full Image and Verified

There has been some question to images that have been floating around, simply because only the partial images are making the rounds. Here it is, the full image, just not in English.

A huge thanks to all of those that sent me links and images.

Also I have been told, but not yet seen, that the cover image is going to be on page 25 of the new White Dwarf.

Space Marine Release.... Rumor Check

One of our long time sources that likes to make sure we don't stray too far off course has checked in on yesterday's rumor that Space Marines are next for June. Well it was simple, short and sweet what he said, so no going into any long details.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Mean Really.. Who Gives Away a Titan?

I was sent an email yesterday pointing this out to me, that someone is giving away a Titan in a drawing. I was looking at it, saying.. "Really?, who gives away a Titan?" So I had to go and check it out. While I have second thoughts about posting this up (because I entered and would like to win it), I thought the community would be a little interested.

Tau Release List and Prices

The Astropate is reporting the Tau release list with pricing. I am going to say that something is off, simply because of some of the odd numbers. Example $50.24 for the codex? So do check this out, as they may simply be price conversions.

Pics of the Week: Space Marines

There has been quite a bit of talk today about Space Marines, so I moved this edition of Pics of the Week forward. Enjoy.

Pics of the Week is a an almost weekly (I try) post showcasing all the wonderful artwork that the 40k universe has to offer. Artists names are always in the file name if I have them available.

New Space Marine Mini-Contemptor Dreadnought

A few days back we had some interesting bits from Hastings regarding Space Marines. This is what was said, and this next bit, discusses something was apparently playtested at certain events.

I suppose I could tell you there are some new units....... but that would be a bit too vague. Hmmm, expect rhino variants, and also a new "suit" smaller than a dread but bigger than a termie. Will that do to start the rumors off?

Space Marine Codex is Next after Tau

Space Marines are set to be released in June according to this new rumor set. Not only that, but the mystery box coming this fall is explored and talked about. Lets just right into it this morning, since I woke up a little a late today.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Faeit 212 BlogExchange: Blogs From Around the World

This week we have four new additions to the BlogExchange for you to check out. There is always something new each week, where you get the chance to see blogs you might have otherwise missed. New ideas and concepts are always needed to keep the hobby fresh. So sit back and enjoy.

Lots of New Tau Pics and the Tau Release Teaser

A Tau release teaser is now up called "Our Ascension a Matter of Time". Tau are definitely here. To top that off, there new pics now floating around and of course I am a little behind on them (thats what happens when I am unplugged for a few hours.)

Boxes of Eldar Seen In Warehouse: Lamia Strike Fighter/ Moon Siren Bomber

Boxes of Eldar were seen sitting in a Warehouse. This is what was seen..........

These rumors are from July of 2012. Of course they have become more relevant with the Eldar rumors of late, because there has been talk of an Uber Wraithlord and two eldar flyers that will be released with the Eldar sometime after Tau (presumably after a few months of a break).

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Presence of Faeit: Eldar Releases, Dark Eldar Work, Rumors..

The rumor mill has been in full swing, and hobby wise, I have been a painting machine. I am really working hard though for the first time on getting my Dark Eldar all painted up and ready for battle. While there is still a lot of work to do, any forward progress is always fantastic.

Eldar Bits: New Plastics Coming.......

Eldar, Eldar, Eldar. This is probably the one release that I am looking forward to more than anything else (unless I get hints that dark eldar are being looked at).

New Eldar plastics are coming, and I have seen them. (just joking of course). Really though, the rumors are now coming in for new plastics... Jetbikes and Wraithguard.

A Huge Wraithguard Construct: Eldar Rumors

We had the Uber Battlesuit, which turned out to be a massively large model. We have rumors of a massive Tyranid Dominatrix model in the works, and well, even the current Trygons and Mawlocs are massive. Is there another "Uber" model on the horizon?

Serious Travel Issues: Enter Battlefoam

The Valhalla event is right around the corner, and I needed a good plan for transporting my models. However, there were a couple serious issues I have been dealing with.

1. My Dark Eldar vehicles literally have real hooks on them, and would probably not be suitable to bring onto a plane as carry on. Need a checked in baggage safe case.
2. The army is huge, old, and highly customized. None of the raiders or venoms for example are standard sized.... even for the old versions. Custom foam is required.
3. Its 6 days of gaming, do I really want to play the same army list over and over? Of course not..... means I need more space for more models.

Tau Squad Sizes

Tau are  right around the corner, and the community is on the edge of our seats for this coming week's revelations. Speculations are abound, and here it appears that MajorWesJanson has seen some sprues of various units and is translating that into possible unit sizes for the incoming codex.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Citadel Edge Paints

I spent my day going over paints, converting old colors to new colors, and purchasing what I needed to wrap up some harlequins and to start painting my Dark Eldar Raider Fleet. With my interest in paints today, its only fitting that Games Workshop today released a new set of paints that previously had only been available as a limited set.

Sisters of Battle and Release Orders

With the release order being one of the topics of choice right now, there was a lot of concern over what is going on with Sisters of Battle and on how Games Workshop is deciding what armies to update. There are still some 4th edition codices out there, and for many, these are the ones that should be updated first.

Australia and Pricing

This is often a sore subject......but here are some answers from some people that actually live down under. With Warhammer 40k being such a worldwide community, it is no wonder that someone from Australia looks at pricing in other countries, and says wow.... I'm getting screwed. Are GW's pricing rates unique to other imports in Australia?

Now you cannot sell online to other countries, and other retailer restrictions from GW are getting tougher and tougher. I do see that some protection is needed for GW investments in brick and mortars in Australia, especially if everyone is buying from online companies.

New Space Marine Rhino Variants, Eldar Flyer and Uber Wraith Guard, and More

Yesterday we were discussing a few things that Hastings had said over on Warseer, and to our surprise here on Faeit 212, Hastings paid us a little visit and joined in on the conversation. Of course he left some very nice rumors as well.

Codex Release Order: Other Sources Chime in

Yesterday we had a rumor set, when Hastings chimed in and was discussing the upcoming release order. The release order was something like this....

White Dwarf 400th Issue. 172 pages thick

One week from today the latest White Dwarf will be released, and it is rumored to be a big one. It will be issue number 400 and is said to be 172 pages thick. I have had a lot of email trying to predict exactly what will be in it, but to be honest, the only thing we know is that Tau will be featured.

Whatever is going to be in it...... Its huge.

Friday, March 22, 2013

This is Our Hobby: Homemade Rules

Homemade’ Rules
Throughout my time playing Warhammer 40,000 I have felt the need to create my own ideas and fluff, and sometimes one of the many ideas running, flying, and awkwardly lurching around my head actually makes it onto paper. When they do, I often feel another need, a need to apply rules to these new creations.

40k Expanded Release Order, Space Marines, Tyranids, and More

Hastings has been busy and has expanded up on this release order, bringing us through probably mid next year.... although no time table was given, just the order of things. Of course Hastings word is considered canon, by not only most of the online community but by myself as well.

The Tau XV104 Riptide: Weapon Loadouts, and Nova Reactors

Late last night, the Dude over on Warseer had some information regarding the Riptide and its Nova Reactor. There was a lot of talk about whether or not the Riptide gets a save, weapon loadouts, and if really the results of overloading the Nova Reactor are random or not. This bit is everything I could dig up on it, as well as input from one of our good sources that sends in info to help us check rumors sometimes.

Tau: Kroot and Vespid - Looks Like They Will Be In

Yesterday morning we had a rumor from Ravengardt that was telling us that the new Tau codex was to be without its alien companions, the Kroot and Vespid. Well, the same source sent this to me late  in the day yesterday, saying that his source might of been a little over enthusiastic. Here is what was sent in.

Tau: Riptides Activation of the Nova Engine......

The Riptide is known to have something called a Nova Engine. Apparently it is dangerous to activate, as it overcharges the weapon or other types of results..... like taking a wound. Here is the latest on the Riptides Noava Engine.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Roadhouse Interactive Partners with Games Workshop

Games Workshop is once again expanding its 40k genre out to new digital horizons. Roadhouse Interactive today announced a partnership with Games Workshop to develop a Warhammer 40k smartphone and tablet game.

The game will be a single Space Marine as he goes about destroying endless hordes of enemies mostly consisting of Orks.

Online Retailers Going Out

I am not going to go much into this subject, because its full of vitriol and animosity.  MiniWarGaming itself was a good company, that did a lot for our Hobby, and will be missed.

Tau Codex Alien Races..... Who's In, Who's Out

Kroot, Vespid..... Will they be in the Tau codex? Everyone has been rather silent about it until now. Here finally is a rumor that cuts right into the subject, the Answer...... No Aliens. However, this bit declares there will be an Allied Supplement with the aliens that are missing in the Tau codex, Kroot and Vespid, and even another race.........